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COURT REPORTER'S INDEX OF TRIAL EXHIBITS � ARAP RULE 11(e) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF __________________________________________ COUNTY APPELLANT- ACTION (Case) No.____________ appellant [ [ [ [ ] State Criminal ] Civil (Law) ] City Appeal (Crim.) ] Civil (Equity) VS. STATE OF ALABAMA � or appellee TO: (name) _________________________________________CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT OF FROM : (name) COURT REPORTER OF REPORTER'S INDEX TO EXHIBITS COUNTY. JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF ALABAMA. The following EXHIBITS were received by the Court Reporter in above Action and same have been properly marked and identified. Where capable said exhibit(s) have been assembled herein (in flat file); where incapable of being assembled herein such exhibit(s) placed in suitable separate container. This index includes all exhibits and further indicates those offered, admitted or not admitted into evidence, etc. :Party Exhibit No. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF EXHIBIT (/) Admitted Yes No. Iden. Only (/) With drawn (/) Released by Court to Party (/) Original Replaced by Copy (/) In File (/) In Container (/) REMARKS, etc. 1) ABOVE INDEX RECEIVED & FILED ______________, ______ 2) EXHIBITS IN FILE &/OR CONTAINER VERIFIED (except as noted) /S/ _________________________________________________________ CLERK DATED THIS ______ DAY OF _______________, _____ /S/ _____________________________________________ COURT REPORTER _______JUDICIAL CIRCUIT American LegalNet, Inc.