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FORM NUMBER: LAST REVISION DATE: TITLE OF THIS FORM: USERS OF THIS FORM: PURPOSE OF THIS FORM: ARCivP-93 5/99 Cover Sheet Circuit Court � Civil Cases (Not for Domestic Relations Cases) Plaintiff/Plaintiff's Attorney /Clerk This form is to be filed with the complaint in a civil action or with the notice of appeal in an appeal of a civil case from district to circuit court to supply general information to the court regarding the nature of the suit and allows the court follow, for organizational purposes, the disposition or status of the case. Circuit and District Courts Rule 3(b), Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure (ARCP), provides as follows: " Except in domestic relations cases, each original complaint at the time it is filed with the circuit court shall be accompanied by an informational `cover sheet.' ... The plaintiff, or if the plaintiff is represented by counsel, then the plaintiff's attorney, shall complete and sign the ` general information' portion of the cover sheet before it is filed with the court. If the complaint is tendered to the clerk of the circuit court without a properly completed cover sheet, the clerk shall accept the complaint and inform the person filing it of the requirements of this rule, and the plaintiff, or, if the plaintiff is represented by counsel, then the plaintiff's attorney, shall promptly file a properly completed cover sheet." For a party's failure to comply with the requirements of Rule 3, ARCP, a court may stay the proceedings until the cover sheet is filed or make such other orders as are just, such as contempt of court, or, after proper notice, an order dismissing the action. Additionally, in cases appealed from the district court to the circuit court, the cover sheet shall accompany the notice of appeal. APPLICABILITY: AUTHORITY: American LegalNet, Inc. State of Alabama Unified Judicial System Case Number COVER SHEET CIRCUIT COURT � CIVIL CASE (Not For Domestic Relations Cases) C V Judge Code: Year - Date of Filing: Month Day Form ARCiv-93 Rev.5/99 GENERAL INFORMATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ______________________________________________________________________, ALABAMA (Name of County) ______________________________________________________v. ________________________________________________ First Plaintiff Plaintiff Business Government Individual Other First Defendant Defendant Business Government Individual Other NATURE OF SUIT: Select primary cause of action, by checking box (check only one) that best characterizes your action: TORTS: PERSONAL INJURY WDEA - Wrongful Death TONG - Negligence: General TOMV - Negligence: Motor Vehicle TOWA - Wantonness TOPL - Product Liability/AEMLD TOMM - Malpractice-Medical TOLM - Malpractice-Legal TOOM - Malpractice-Other TBFM - Fraud/Bad Faith/Misrepresentation TOXX - Other: _______________________ TORTS: PERSONAL INJURY TOPE - Personal Property TORE - Real Properly OTHER CIVIL FILINGS ABAN - Abandoned Automobile ACCT - Account & Nonmortgage APAA - Administrative Agency Appeal ADPA - Administrative Procedure Act ANPS - Adults in Need of Protective Services OTHER CIVIL FILINGS (cont'd) MSXX - Birth/Death Certificate Modification/Bond Forfeiture Appeal/ Enforcement of Agency Subpoena/Petition to Preserve CVRT - Civil Rights COND - Condemnation/Eminent Domain/Right-of-Way CTMP - Contempt of Court CONT - Contract/Ejectment/Writ of Seizure TOCN - Conversion EQND - Equity Non-Damages Actions/Declaratory Judgment/Injunction Election Contest/Quiet Title/Sale For Division CVUD - Eviction Appeal/Unlawful Detainer FORJ FORF MSHC PFAB FELA RPRO WTEG COMP CVXX Foreign Judgment Fruits of Crime Forfeiture Habeas Corpus/Extraordinary Writ/Mandamus/Prohibition Protection From Abuse Railroad/Seaman (FELA) Real Property Will/Trust/Estate/Guardianship/Conservatorship Workers' Compensation Miscellaneous Circuit Civil Case ORIGIN (check one): F R INITIAL FILING REMANDED T A APPEAL FROM DISTRICT COURT TRANSFERRED FROM OTHER CIRCUIT COURT O OTHER: ____________________________ HAS JURY TRIAL BEEN DEMANDED? RELIEF REQUESTED: ATTORNEY CODE: YES NO Note: Checking "Yes" does not constitute a demand for a jury trial. (See Rules 38 and 39, Ala.R.Civ.P, for procedure) NO MONETARY AWARD REQUESTED MONETARY AWARD REQUESTED _________________________________ Date ______________________________________________ Signature of Attorney/Party filing this form MEDIATION REQUESTED: YES NO UNDECIDED American LegalNet, Inc.