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1 Rev (4/2018) IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA IN RE: Case No. Chapter 13 SSN: XXX-XX- SSN: XXX-XX- Date: CHAPTER 13 PLAN Check if this is an Amended Plan 1. NOTICES TO CREDITORS: YOUR RIGHTS MAY BE AFFECTED BY THIS PLAN. YOUR CLAIM MAY BE REDUCED, MODIFIED, OR ELIMINATED. You should read this plan carefully and discuss it with your attorney if you have one in this bankruptcy case. If you do not have an attorney, you may wish to consult one. If you oppose the plan222s treatment of your claim or any provision of this plan, your attorney or you must file an objection to confirmation at least 7 days before the date set for the hearing on confirmation, unless otherwise ordered by the bankruptcy court. The bankruptcy court may confirm this plan without further notice if no objection to confirmation is filed. See Bankruptcy Rule 3015. To file an objection to confirmation. Objections to confirmation may be filed electronically using the CM/ECF system or by mailing or delivering the objection to the court so that it is received before the deadline described above. The court222s address is U.S. Bankruptcy Court, 201 St. Louis Street, Mobile, Alabama 36602. Proofs of claim. Creditors must file timely proofs of claim to be paid by the chapter 13 trustee pursuant to the plan. Proofs of claim may be filed using the Electronic Proof of Claim (ePOC) program located on the court222s website at You may also file a proof of claim by mailing or delivering it to the court so that it is received before the claims bar date. The court222s address is U.S. Bankruptcy Court, 201 St. Louis Street, Mobile, Alabama 36602. American LegalNet, Inc. 2 Confirmation of this plan does not bar the debtor(s), trustee, or a party in interest from objecting to a claim. Confirmation of this plan does not constitute the allowance or disallowance of the amount of a creditor222s claim, but it does control how the claim will be paid under the plan. Debtor(s) must check one box on each line to state whether or not the plan includes each of the following items. If an item is checked as 223not included224 or if both boxes are checked, the provision will be ineffective if set out later in the plan. 1.1 A limit on the amount of a secured claim, set out in 247 7.1, which may result in a partial payment or no payment at all to the secured creditor INCLUDED NOT INCLUDED 1.2 Nonstandard provision, set out in 247 13 INCLUDED NOT INCLUDED 1.3 Avoidance of security interests or liens NOT INCLUDED -- requires a separate motion or adversary proceeding in this district 2. PAYMENTS AND LENGTH OF PLAN For months debtor(s) will make regular monthly payments to the trustee as follows: $ per month for months and $ per month for months. Insert additional lines if needed. Plan payments shall be paid directly to the chapter 13 trustee at the following address: P.O. Box 1779, Memphis, TN 38101-1779. Debtor(s) shall commence plan payments within one month of the petition date. If the debtor(s) are eligible for a 36 month plan but the term set out above is greater, debtor(s) move the court to extend the plan term to the proposed period. 3. PRECONFIRMATION ADEQUATE PROTECTION PAYMENTS TO SECURED CREDITORS The trustee shall make the following adequate protection payments to secured creditors prior to the confirmation of this plan pursuant to Bankruptcy Code 247 1326(a)(1): CREDITOR COLLATERAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OF MONTHLY PAYMENT American LegalNet, Inc. 3 The trustee shall commence making such payments to creditors holding allowed secured claims consistent with the trustee222s distribution process and only after the timely filing of a proof of claim by such creditor. Upon confirmation, the treatment of such claims will be governed by Sections 4 and 7. 4. POST-CONFIRMATION ALTERNATE MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SECURED CREDITORS The trustee shall make the following Alternate Monthly Payments (AMP) beginning on the first distribution after entry of a confirmation order and until the attorney222s fees provided for in Section 5 are paid in accordance with the applicable local rule or administrative order. CREDITOR COLLATERAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OF AMP PAYMENT 5. ATTORNEY222S FEES FOR DEBTOR(S)222 BANKRUPTCY COUNSEL The trustee shall pay the following attorney222s fees pursuant to the applicable local rule or administrative order. DEBTOR222S COUNSEL FEE TO BE PAID THROUGH PLAN 6. DOMESTIC SUPPORT OBLIGATIONS The trustee shall pay the following pre-petition domestic support obligations (DSO) pursuant to Bankruptcy Code 247 507(a)(1) unless the claimant agrees or the court orders otherwise. Each DSO creditor shall receive the proposed Alternative Monthly Payments (AMP) along with the payments to secured creditors described in Section 4. Once the attorney222s fees are paid in full, the DSO creditor shall be paid the proposed preference payment along with the payments described in Sections 7 and 8. The debtor(s) shall directly pay all domestic support obligations that become due after the filing of the petition. A DSO creditor must file a proof of claim for any prepetition DSO to be paid by the trustee. Unless otherwise ordered by the court or by express written consent of the creditor, the amount of a claim for prepetition DSO stated on a proof of claim filed in accordance with the Bankruptcy Rules controls over any contrary amount listed below. DSO CREDITOR SCHEDULED PREPETITION DSO AMOUNT OF AMP PAYMENT PREFERENCE PAYMENT American LegalNet, Inc. 4 7. TREATMENT OF SECURED CLAIMS 7.1 Request for valuation of secured claims, payment of secured claims, and modification of undersecured claims This section is effective only if the applicable box in section 1.1 of this plan is checked. Debtor(s) request that the court determine the value(s) of the collateral and the amount(s) of the secured claim(s) listed below. For each listed claim, the amount of the secured claim will be paid in full with interest at the rate stated below. For each non-governmental secured claim listed below, debtor(s) state that the amount of the secured claim should be the lesser of (a) the amount of the secured claim stated on the creditor222s proof of claim and (b) the amount set out in the column headed 223Amount of Secured Claim.224 If a non-governmental creditor timely objects to the proposed value of the creditor222s collateral or the proposed amount of the creditor222s secured claim, the confirmation hearing shall include a valuation hearing pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 247 506 and Bankruptcy Rule 3012 unless otherwise ordered. If a non-governmental creditor whose claim is listed below fails to timely object, the creditor shall be deemed to have accepted the amount and treatment of the creditor222s secured claim set forth below. For secured claims of governmental units, unless otherwise ordered, the amount of a secured claim stated on a proof of claim filed in accordance with the Bankruptcy Rules controls over any contrary amount listed below. The portion of any allowed claim that exceeds the amount of the secured claim will be treated as an unsecured claim under section 9 of this plan. CREDITOR COLLATERAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OF SECURED CLAIM INTEREST RATE 247 1 325(a)(5) PLAN PAYMENT American LegalNet, Inc. 5 7.2 Secured claims excluded from valuation under Bankruptcy Code 247 506 The claims listed below were either: (a) incurred within 910 days before the petition date and secured by a purchase money security interest in a motor vehicle acquired for the personal use of the debtor(s), or (b) incurred within 1 year of the petition date and secured by a purchase money security interest in any other thing of value. The trustee shall pay these claims in full with interest at the rates stated below. Unless otherwise ordered by the court, the amount of a secured claim stated on a proof of claim filed in accordance with the Bankruptcy Rules controls over any contrary amount listed below, but the interest rate is governed by the plan. CREDITOR COLLATERAL DESCRIPTION SCHEDULED AMOUNT OF SECURED CLAIM INTEREST RATE 2