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IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA , Debtor(s) , Movant * * * * * * Bankruptcy Case No. FACT SUMMARY FOR MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM AUTOMATIC STAY TO FORECLOSE SECURITY AND LEASEHOLD INTERESTS IN INDIVIDUAL CASES (ALL CHAPTERS) Date and type of loan/credit transaction: Type of collateral: Monthly payment: Amount financed: APR or interest rate: % Term of loan: Payoff amount: as of Value of collateral: Method of valuation: Delinquent pre-petition payments: What month(s)? Amount: Claim filed: Yes or No Date claim filed: Delinquent post-petition payments: If post-petition payments are to be paid directly to the creditor, state what months of payments have not been made and the amount: If this is a chapter 13 case and the plan provides for post-petition payments to be paid through the trustee, state the number and amount of delinquent plan payments at this time: Other postpetition charges & costs (itemize): Amount & number of post-petition payments received: and Amount held in suspense: If lease, lease expiration date: If terminated, lease termination date: Does creditor have proof of insurance in force? YesNo Unknown Prior stay order(s) involving movant, including current case? Yes No If yes, give case number(s) and date(s) of order(s) Case No.: Date: Case No.: Date: Date: Submitted by: American LegalNet, Inc.