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1 Final Plan Summary -18 v.-fillable UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA Debtor 1: Case No. -13 Debtor 2: FINAL SUMMARY OF PLAN TERMS (REFER TO CHAPTER 13 PLAN FOR COMPLETE TREATMENT LANGUAGE) 1.For months Debtor(s) will make regular monthly payments to the trustee as follows: per month for months and per month for months. Insert additional lines if needed. 2.Secured Pre-Confirmation Adequate Protection Payments and Payments to Lessors: CREDITOR COLLATERAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 3.Post-Confirmation Secured Alternate Monthly Payments: CREDITOR COLLATERAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Attorney222s Fees for Debtor222s Bankruptcy Counsel: Secured by Collateral: CREDITOR COLLATERAL SECURED CLAIM AMT INT 2471325(a)(5) 6.Domestic Support Obligations: CREDITOR SCH D AMT AMP PMT PREF PMT American LegalNet, Inc. 2 Final Plan Summary -18 v.-fillable 7.Curing Defaults and Maintaining Direct Payments: CREDITOR COLLATERAL DIRECT PAYMENT SCHEDULED ARREARAGE 8.Priority Claims (Excluding Domestic Support Obligations): CREDITOR TYPE OF PRIORITY SCHD AMT 9.Unsecured claims: Percentage to unsecured creditors to be determined after expiration of the claims bardate. 10.Surrendered Property: CREDITOR COLLATERAL DESCRIPTION 11.Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases: CREDITOR PROPERTY REJECT ASSUME DESCRIPTION 12.Other Plan Provisions: Refer to plan for complete language for Section 12(a) through 12(c) (d) Other Provisions of the Plan Not Elsewhere Described (Include and identify creditors here and removesecured treatment above due to the filing of an unsecured claim): Counsel for the Debtor hereby certifies that a review all claims filed to date has been performed and all necessary objections to claims have been filed. SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE COUNSEL'S SIGNATURE DATE American LegalNet, Inc.