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IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA IN RE: )), ) Case No. ) Debtor(s). ) ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO AVOID NONPOSSESSORY, NONPURCHASE-MONEY SECURITY INTEREST This case is before the Court on the motion (doc.) by debtor(s) to avoid the nonpossessory, nonpurchase-money security interest of (223the Lienholder224) pursuant to Bankruptcy Code 247 522(f). The Court has reviewed the schedules filed by debtor(s) and finds that the Lienholder222s security interest impairs an exemption to which the debtor(s) would otherwise be entitled. It is thus ordered that the motion is granted to the extent set out below. 1.The security interest of the Lienholder is avoided as to the following items: Household furnishings, wearing apparel, appliances, books, animals, crops, musicalinstruments, and jewelry held primarily for the personal, family, or household use ofdebtor(s) or a dependent of debtor(s). Description: Personal effects of debtor and dependents (including toys and hobby equipment ofminor dependent children). Description: 1 television. Description: 1 personal computer and related equipment. Description: 1 VCR or DVD player. Description: American LegalNet, Inc. 2 Implements, professional books, or tools used by debtor(s) or dependents in their trade. Description: Clothing. Description: Furniture. Description: 1 radio. Description: Linens, china, crockery, and kitchenware. Description: Educational materials and educational equipment for minor dependent children. Description: Medical equipment and supplies. Description: Professionally prescribed health aids for debtor(s) or a dependent of debtor(s). Description: Other. Description: 2. Upon the discharge of debtor(s) in this bankruptcy case, the security interest of the Lienholder shall be extinguished against the above-described personal property of debtor(s) and shall not survive the bankruptcy or affix to or remain enforceable against said items. 3. The motion to avoid lien is denied as to any item not listed above. 4. This order in itself does not affect any proof of claim filed by the Lienholder; debtor(s) must object to the proof of claim if not in agreement with it. American LegalNet, Inc.