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Juror Questionnaire Form. This is a Alabama form and can be use in District Court Federal.
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Tags: Juror Questionnaire, Alabama Federal, District Court
You must complete the enclosed juror questionnaire and return it in the enclosed envelope within five days of receipt. A contact
telephone number(s) is required as indicated below. Your answers will assist the parties and the court in selecting jurors who will
be fair and impartial. By answering these questions in writing now, you will not be asked them in open court, and the jury selection
time will be substantially shortened. Your answers will be kept confidential, and the lawyers, parties, and court personnel are prohibited
from releasing them to the public. All questionnaires will be destroyed following your service. If you do not complete and return
the questionnaire, you may be referred to a Judicial Officer for legal action.
Please fill in your name and address:
If your name or address has changed please correct it here:
PHONE NUMBER(S): HOME (______)______________________________
WORK (______)_________________________________
Please enter your Participant number:
OTHER (______)______________________________
Number of years at present address:_____________________________________
Do you: [ ] Rent apartment [ ] Rent home [ ] Own
[ ] Live with friends [ ] Live with parents/relatives
What other addresses have you had in the past five years?____________________________________________________________________
Date & place of birth:_________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. Are you a salaried employee of the U.S. Government? [
] Yes [
] No
2. Do you consider yourself: [ ] Caucasian [ ] African-American [ ] Asian
[ ] Native American [ ] Hispanic [ ] Native
] Pacific Islander
3. What is your occupation, or, if retired, your former occupation?______________________________________________________________
4. Name and address of your employer:________________________________ Job description: __________________________________
Number of years employed in present job:_________ Daily shift hours: FROM:_________ TO:_________
Do you supervise others? [ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, how many?________________________________________________________
Do you have a second job? [ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, please describe:____________________________________________________
5. Describe any previous occupations:____________________________________________________________________________________
6. Marital status:
[ ] Never married
[ ] Separated
[ ] Divorced
[ ] Married for _______ years
[ ] Widowed in _________
7. If married, please give the following information:
Spouse’s name: ______________________________________
Spouse’s occupation:______________________________________
Spouse’s employer: ____________________________________ Number of years employed in this job:_________________________
Spouse’s job description:________________________________________________________________________________________
8. List each child’s (a) age, (b) occupation, or (c) school:
9. List any hobbies, spare time activities, or outside interests:__________________________________________________________________
10. Have you ever lived outside the Southeastern United States? [ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, where and when?_________________________
11. Last year of school completed: [ ] Elementary/Grade School [ ] Junior High School [ ] High School [ ] Junior College
[ ] Vocational or Trade School [ ] Undergraduate Degree [ ] Graduate Degree Major area of study:________________________
If currently attending school, name and location of institution:___________________________________________________________
12. Do you read a newspaper?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
If yes, which newspaper(s)?________________________________________________
13. List the magazines and periodicals you read regularly:___________________________________________________________________
14. What T.V. programs do you watch regularly?___________________________________________________________________________
15. How many times a week do you watch the T.V. news?____________________________________________________________________
16. From what other sources do you get news?____________________________________________________________________________
17. What radio programs do you listen to?_________________________________________________________________________________
18. Are there any bumper stickers on the car you or your spouse drive?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
If yes, what do they say?________________________________________________________________________________________
American LegalNet, Inc.
19. Do you attend church, synagogue, or other religious services once a month or more? [ ] Yes
[ ] No
If yes, name of the church, synagogue, or religious service:_____________________________________________________________
20. Please list any social, political, professional, civic, victim, or civil liberties/rights organizations of which you are a member:
21. Have you ever served in the military? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If yes, what branch?____________________________________________
How long?___________________
Highest rank achieved:___________________
Type discharge:_______________________
What was your main occupation while in the service?_________________________________________________________________
22. Have you or any member of your immediate family ever worked in a law enforcement job such as police, sheriff, trooper, prison guard,
or military police?
[ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, please list who, when, and where so employed:____________________________
23. Do you perform any volunteer work? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If yes, please describe:__________________________________________
24. Have you or any member of your family ever been the victim of a crime? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If yes, please provide the following information: Year when crime occurred:__________ Relationship of victim to you:____________
Describe incident:_____________________________________________________________________________________________
25. Have you or a member of your immediate family ever sued anyone, or been sued by anyone in court? [ ] Yes
[ ] No
If yes, please describe the lawsuit and give the year and outcome:________________________________________________________
26. Have you or a member of your immediate family ever filed for Bankruptcy?
[ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, please describe the type of
bankruptcy, the date filed, and the outcome:_________________________________________________________________________
27. Have you ever served on a trial jury?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
If yes, please provide the following information:
How many times?______________________ When?_______________________
Was it a [ ] Civil or [ ] Criminal case?
What was the verdict?
[ ] For Plaintiff
[ ] For Defendant
[ ] Guilty
[ ] Not Guilty
28. Have you ever served on a Grand Jury? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If yes, when, where, and how many times?____________________________
29. Have you ever served as a witness in a civil or criminal trial?
[ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, when, where, and for which side?
30. Have you ever appeared as a witness before a grand jury? [ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, when and where?_________________________
31. Have you ever served as the foreperson of a jury?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
32. Have you consulted a lawyer within the past five years? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If yes, for what reason?________________________
33. Have you given a deposition in a legal proceeding?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
34. Have you or any member of your immediate family had a problem which you attribute to drugs?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
If yes, explain:_______________________________________________________________________________________________
35. Have you ever received or applied for any of the following benefits? [ ] Veteran’s [ ] Social Security [ ] Welfare [ ] A.F.D.C.
[ ] Unemployment
[ ] Basic Education Grant
[ ] C.E.T.A.
[ ] Educational Scholarship
36. Have you ever been convicted of a state or federal crime punishable by imprisonment for more than one year? [ ]Yes [ ] No
If yes, were your civil rights restored? [ ] Yes
[ ] No
37. Have you or a member of your immediate family ever been arrested or charged with a criminal offense? [ ] Yes
[ ] No
If yes, please provide the following information: Year when arrest or charge was made:_____________________________________
Person’s relationship to you:____________________________ Offense charged:_________________________________________
Outcome of arrest or charge:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Continuation of previous answers:
Revised 3/14/06
American LegalNet, Inc.