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STATE OF ALABAMA CORRECTION TO NAME RESERVATION CERTIFICATE REQUEST FORM (Domestic or Foreign) PURPOSE: To request a corrected certificate for an existing Name Reservation. You must be the holder of the name listed on the certificate or the designated agent/attorney of the holder to make the request. INSTRUCTIONS: Mail this completed form with the appropriate fee to the Office of the Secretary of State at PO Box 5616, Montgomery, AL 36103. Include a check, money order , or credit card payment for $10 for standard processing (no guaranteed processing timeframe � dependent on volume) or $25 for expedited processing (within approximately of receipt). (For SOS Office Use Only) The request is only accepted via mail, courier, or email and will not be accepted via fax. Using a credit card, you may email the form to . Due to volume, we are unable to search for requests that may or may not have been received via regular mail to provide receipts or status � if a receipt is needed use registered mail service, courier service, or set your email to notify you when the email is read � our system will automatically give the receipt if requested (the person receiving the emails will not email you back that they received it). If a check is dishonored there will be a $30.00 NSF charge (it will be collected prior to filing of the entity formation/registration documents if necessary). All processing instructions are complete in this form; cover letters are not necessary and will not be reviewed. The information completing this form must be typed or the request will be returned without review. Faxed requests will not be acknowledged, reviewed, processed, or returned. 1. A copy of the existing Name Certificate must be attached to this form. 2. Correct filing type to Domestic Entity ( to be formed in Alabama in a County Probate Office) Foreign Entity (formed in a state other than Alabama or in another country) Correct Entity Type to: Business Corporation Nonprofit Corporation Professional Corporation (PC) Limited Liability Company (LLC) ____ Limited Partnership (LP) Registered Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) ____ Limited Liability Limited Partnership (LLLP) ____ Employee Cooperative Corporation Real Estate Investment Trust 3. Correct Name to: Correction to Name Certificate � 6/2016 Page 1 of 4 American LegalNet, Inc. CORRECTION TO NAME RESERVATION CERTIFICATE REQUEST FORM 4. Correct Certificate Holder's Name (appears on Certificate) to: 5. Correct Address appearing on Certificate to: 6. The corrected certificate of name reservation is to be mailed to: (If the certificate is to be held for pickup, Hold For Pickup must be typed in this line.) There is no call for pickup service available. Mailing Address OR email the corrected certificate to: If email is completed no certificate will be mailed. The typed name and signature of the requester must be the holder of the name listed on the certificate, or an officer with the officer's title if the holder is an entity, or the designated agent/attorney (must check box below and type name and title above signature) for the holder of the name. I certify that I am the designated agent/attorney for the holder of the name listed on the certificate and have the authority to request that these changes be made to the name reservation certificate. Date Typed Name and Title (if signing for an entity) Signature of Requester [10A-1-5.11] If the requester is, a Service Provider using a prepaid account: Acct Name: $10.00 Standard Processing Correction to Name Certificate � 6/2016 Acct Number: or $25.00 Expedited Processing Page 2 of 4 American LegalNet, Inc. CORRECTION TO NAME RESERVATION CERTIFICATE REQUEST FORM Credit Card Payment Option (must be typed and signed): $10.00 standard processing option (processing timeframe depends on volume and staffing � no timeframe can be guaranteed or estimated � see status on page 4) $25.00 expedited processing option (processed within approximately receipt) Card Type: Card Number: Card Holder Name: Complete Billing Address: Street or PO City State Zip of (Visa, MC, Discover & AmEx) Expiration Mo/Yr: / Signature of Card Holder: MUST be signed in order to process. Instructional Information on Processing Processing Timeframes: Standard processing has no guaranteed timeframe. The request will be worked in the order it was received. To determine how long it will take to process the request under standard processing procedure you can go to our website at and click on the Government Records tab and the Business Entity Records link beneath it. Click on Entity Name in the search types. Just above the block to enter the entity name is the phrase "Filings Completed Through" in bold face type followed by a date � that date is the most recent date completed for standard filing. Look at the date we are through and the current date when making the decision about how long it will take to get the request processed. If you cannot wait the timeframe indicated, you will want to use expedited processing. Expedited processing is filed within of receipt of the request. Correction to Name Certificate � 6/2016 Page 3 of 4 American LegalNet, Inc. CORRECTION TO NAME RESERVATION CERTIFICATE REQUEST FORM Status of Request: If a status of the request is needed, please go to and click on the Government Records tab. Under that tab, there is a link for Business Entity Records, select it. The screen that appears will offer a variety of ways to search. Click on the Entity Name search - that screen will list the "filings completed through" date to show the date through which processing has been completed. If you do not have evidence of receipt (courier or registered mail) and the request was sent prior to "through date," (allowing for mailing time round trip) we have to assume that the request never got into the office � the only way to obtain a receipt is through registered mail, courier service, or an email read receipt. If there is an issue about the status of a request, email the details and a copy of the receipt of delivery to and a supervisor will research the problem and respond in the order in which the email was received. Delivery of the Corrected Certificate of Name Reservation: All documents are mailed standard USPS unless preaddressed envelopes with special postage or overnight