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Notice Of Forcible Entry And Detainer (Or Unlawful Detainer) Form. This is a Alabama form and can be use in C-Series (Civil) Statewide.
Tags: Notice Of Forcible Entry And Detainer (Or Unlawful Detainer), C-60, Alabama Statewide, C-Series (Civil)
State of Alabama
Unified Judicial System
Form C-60
Case Number
Section 6-6-332, Code of Alabama 1975
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ________________________________________________________________, ALABAMA
(Name of County)
TO: ______________________________________________________________________________________
YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to be and appear before me, at ______________________________________
on the ____________day of ___________________________, 20______, to answer to, and make defense against a
complaint exhibited to me against you by _______________________________________, for a forcible entry and detainer (or
for unlawful detainer, as the case may be).
Witness my hand this _____________ day of _________________________________, 20 ______
District Court Judge
This answer must be mailed or delivered within 7 days to the Clerk of Court, after this summons and complaint
were delivered to you or a judgment by default may be entered against you.
[ ] I certify that I personally delivered a copy of the Notice of forcible Entry and Detainer (or Unlawful Detainer)
Action to __________________________________________ in _________________________ Country, Alabama on
______________________________________ (date).
Signature of Sheriff/Constable/Court-Appointed Process Server
NOTE: This Notice must be served on the defendant at least six days before the return day of the process
and may be served on the defendant anywhere in the State of Alabama.
[ ] This Notice of Forcible Entry (or Unlawful Detainer) Action was delivered to a person residing on the
[ ] After reasonable efforts in locating persons on the premises, and no persons having been found residing on
the premises, a copy of this Notice of Forcible Entry (or Unlawful Detainer) Action was posted on the door of the
premises. I certify that on ________________________________ (date), I mailed y first class mail, a copy of the
notice to the defendant at the mailing address of the premises.
Signature of Sheriff, Constable, Court-Appointed Process Server,
Complainant, or Person on Behalf of Complainant.
Original – Court File
Copy – Defendant
Copy – Plaintiff
Copy – Law Enforcement Officer or Court-Appointed Process Server
American LegalNet, Inc.