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PETITION FOR PROTECTION FROM ABUSE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFCOUNTY, ALABAMA 1[t] YOU MUST PROVIDE COMPLETE AND TRUTHFUL INFORMATION. IF YOU DO NOT, THE COURT MAY DISMISS THIS CASE, AND YOU MAY BE SUBJECT TO BEING CHARGED WITH PERJURY FOR KNOWINGLY PROVIDING FALSE INFORMATION. I. ELIGIBLE PLAINTIFFS (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): (Note: The word, 223Plaintiff,224 is used to describe and/or the person(s) ): CHECK THE BOXES WHICH ARE APPLICABLE: or .. orthe Defendant is in a cwith 2 3 4 ppn; the I state that the following is true and correct: a dating American LegalNet, Inc. (Check the box if the following statement applies to the Plaintiff): II.To Get a Protection Order, the Defendant Must Have Done One or More of the Following(Check all that apply): PETITION FOR PROTECTION FROM ABUSE IV.Legal Information Required (Check all that apply): (Note: If there are more current restraining or protection orders against the Defendant or against the Plaintiff, please attach additional 8224 x 11224 sheets of paper, if necessary, stating the case number(s), County(ies), and State(s) in which these Orders were issued). have sex by force or threat of force Kidnapped the or his or her child(ren) Trespassed on the Plaintiff222s property bused the child(ren) Stole from the III.Explain the Abuse That Has Happened American LegalNet, Inc. V.Child(ren)A. . VI.Residence Owned by: or Rented by: or The Plaintiff must notify the Court of any change(s) in address. VII.Ex Parte Relief Requested (Please Check the Boxes To Show What is Requested): : PETITION FOR PROTECTION FROM ABUSE Unified Judicial System Page ; ; ; . American LegalNet, Inc. --- - - - -- American LegalNet, Inc. PETITION FOR PROTECTION FROM ABUSEUnified Judicial System Form C-2 (Page 5 of 5) ; )and/or . NOTICE TO DEFENDANT American LegalNet, Inc.