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State of Alabama Case NumberUnified Judicial System NOTICE TO DEFENDANT Form CS-33 Rev. 5/94 WITHHOLDING FOR SUPPORT This Notice is being given to you to explain that a portion of your wages/salary/benefits may be withheld by youremployer/by the Department of Industrial Relations by Order of this Court, to enforce your obligation to pay child support and,in appropriate cases, spousal support. YOU HAVE CERTAIN LEGAL RIGHTS. Your employer may not fire you solely because your wages are subjected to this withholding order. If you are currently supporting a spouse or family, in additionto the one(s) for which this order has been entered, no more than 50% of your disposable earnings/benefits may be withheld.If you are not supporting an additional spouse or family, up to 60% of your disposable earnings/benefits may be withheld.These amounts can go up to 55% and 65% respectively, if you are more than three (3) months in arrears. Section 30-3-64,Code of Alabama 1975, provides that you may ask the court to modify or terminate its order for certain limited reasons. Ifyou feel that you do not understand the nature of these proceedings or you have any questions about your legal rights,contact a lawyer. READ THE APPROPRIATE PORTION OF THIS NOTICE CHECKED BELOW. IT WILL INFORM YOU OF THE ACTION THAT IS BEING TAKEN. GG WITHHOLDING ORDER SERVED AT THIS TIME The Court has Ordered you to pay support in the amount(s) prescribed in its Order. ADDITIONALLY, the court has entered an order to your employer/the Department of Industrial Relations as required by 30-3-61 or 30-3-62 or 25- 5-152, Code of Alabama 1975, directing your employer/Department of Industrial Relations to withhold these amounts from your wages or salary. THIS ORDER IS BEING SERVED UPON YOUR EMPLOYER/THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AT THIS TIME. Your employer/the Department of Industrial Relations is required by law to file an Answer with the court and will begin withholding within fourteen (14) days of the service of this order upon him. GG WITHHOLDING ORDER HAS NOT BEEN SENT TO EMPLOYER/THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AT THIS TIME The Court has Ordered you to pay support in the amount(s) prescribed in its Order. A withholding order directed to your employer/the Department of Industrial Relations has been made a part of that order as is required by 30-3-61 or 30-3-62, Code of Alabama 1975. However, THIS ORDER TO WITHHOLD CHILD SUPPORT FROM YOUR WAGES/SALARY/BENEFITS HAS NOT BEEN SERVED ON YOUR EMPLOYER/THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AT THIS TIME. Should you become DELINQUENT in your payments, the Order may be served at that time. YOU SHOULD MAKE YOUR SUPPORT PAYMENTS AS ORDERED BY THE COURT. If you wish to have withholding served upon your employer/the Department of Industrial Relations, you may file with the clerk of court a sworn affidavit stating the appropriate basis upon which service of the Withholding Order is now being sought. GG AFFIDAVIT OF ARREARAGE: WITHHOLDING ORDER SERVED AT THIS TIME The Withholding Order previously entered by the court and which is enclosed is NOW BEING SERVED UPON YOUR EMPLOYER/THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS because the recipient has made oath to this court that you are DELINQUENT in your support payments. Your employer/the Department of Industrial Relations will be instructed to begin withholding the amount(s) ordered from your wages/salary/benefit and to pay them to the appropriate office on a monthly basis. Your employer/the Department of Industrial Relations is required by law to file an Answer with the Court and will begin withholding within fourteen (14) days of the service of this Order upon him.DO NOT DISREGARD THIS NOTICE. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT LEGAL PROCEEDING. THIS IS A CONTINUING ORDER AND MAY BE SERVED ON YOUR PRESENT AND ANY FUTURE EMPLOYER AS WELL AS THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS IF YOU RECEIVED GG WORKMENS COMPENSATION BENEFITS GG UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION BENEFITS. THEREFORE, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP TRACK OF THE AMOUNTS APPLIED TO THE SUPPORT OBLIGATION(S) AND IT IS ALSO YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY THE COURT OF ANY CHANGES, INCLUDING REDUCTIONS IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT(S) OWED.