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State of Alabama Unified Judicial System Form CR-14 Rev.7/98 ORDER GRANTING, OR DENYING AUTHORIZATION TO BE A PROFESSIONAL SURETY COMPANY OR A PROFESSIONAL BAIL COMPANY STATE OF ALABAMA IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF __________________________________________________________________ COUNTY ORDER GRANTING OR DENYING AUTHORIZATION TO BE A PROFESSIONAL BONDMAN Upon consideration of the request for authorization to be a "Professional Bondsman" submitted by ________________________________________________________________________________, and to execute bonds as surety returnable to the courts within this county, together with the attached certificate, it is ORDERED that: the request be, and the same is hereby, denied for the reason(s) that _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ the request be, and the same is hereby, granted for a period extending to December 31, ________. The Escrow Agreement between ________________________________________________ and _________________________________________________ has been accepted and approved on ___________________________________. _____________________ Date ________________________________________________ Presiding Judge of the Circuit Court American LegalNet, Inc.