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Order Of Probation Form. This is a Alabama form and can be use in CR-Series (Criminal) Statewide.
Tags: Order Of Probation, CR-50, Alabama Statewide, CR-Series (Criminal)
State of Alabama Unified Judicial System Form CR-50 Rev. 10/2016 (Circuit, District, or Municipal) ORDER OF PROBATION (Effective January 30, 2016) Case Number IN THE ___________________________________COURT OF____________________________________, ALABAMA (Name of County or Municipality) Defendant It appears to the court the above-named defendant has been convicted of has been adjudicated a Youthful Offender for the offense of STATE OF ALABAMA v.____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ and has been sentenced to _________________________________________________________________________________. The defendant having applied for the benefits of probation and the court having examined the cause, it is ORDERED, ADJUDGED, and DECREED that the sentence is hereby suspended and that the defendant is placed on probation for a period of ________________________________________________. It is the order of the court that the probationer comply with the following conditions of probation: 1. Do not violate any Federal, State, or local law. 2. Avoid injurious or vicious habits. 3. Avoid persons or places of disreputable or harmful conduct or character. 4. Report to the Probation Officer as directed. 5. Permit the Probation Officer to visit defendant at home or elsewhere. 6. Work faithfully at suitable employment as much as possible. 7. Remain within a specified place, to-wit: ________________________________________________. 8. Support his/her dependents to the best of his/her ability. 9. Do not change residence or employment without the consent of the Probation Officer. 10. Submit to substance abuse tests when ordered to do so by the Probation Officer. These tests may include urinalysis, breathalyzer, and blood samples, but are not limited thereto. Probationer will pay costs of tests. 11. Submit to searches by the Probation Officer of his person, residence, vehicle, or any property under his/her control. 12. Pay to the Probation Officer $40.00 per month during the probation period, pursuant to law. 13. Do not possess, receive, or transport firearms. 14. If the defendant was convicted of any offense specified in Section 36-18-24, Ala.Code 1975, he or she must submit to DNA testing According to Section 36-18- 25(c), Ala. Code 1975. 15. The defendant is ordered to pay fines, court costs, restitution, assessments, and other court-ordered monies at the rate of $________ per month on or before the ______day of each month, beginning __________________ ______. Payments of cash, money orders, or certified funds may be brought to the clerk's office. Money orders or certified funds may be mailed to the Clerk of Court: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address City State Zip Code At each report to the Probation Officer, the defendant shall furnish written proof (Clerk's receipt or money order receipt) of any previous month's payment of court-ordered monies. 16. Notify the Clerk of Court of any change of mailing address and appear in court whenever ordered. 17. Report to the Court Referral Officer immediately, and attend, pay for, and successfully complete the recommended program. The telephone number is ___________________________________________________. 18. The defendant shall perform _________hours of community service to be approved by the court. 19. The defendant shall submit to behavioral treatment, substance abuse treatment, Global Positioning System (GPS) monitoring, and other treatment deemed necessary by the court or Probation Officer. 20. The defendant shall submit to periods of confinement imposed by the Probation Officer, not to exceed 2-3 day periods at a time, 6 days per month, and 18 days for the supervision term. 21. The defendant shall not abscond by actively avoiding supervision through making his/her whereabouts unknown to the Probation Officer. 22. Other conditions of probation ordered by the court are as follows: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It is the further order of the court that the defendant is hereby advised that the court may at any time revoke or modify any conditions of this probation or change the period of probation and may discharge defendant from probation or extend the period of probation. the probationer shall be subject to arrest for violation of any condition of the probation herein granted. The court may, at any time, for cause, order the original sentence executed. ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Date Judge NOTICE If you have been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, which has, as an element, the use or attempted use of physical force, or the threatened use of a deadly weapon, against your current or former spouse; your child of whom you are a parent or guardian; a person with whom you share a child in common; a spouse, parent, or guardian with whom you are, or have been, cohabiting or to whom you are similarly situated, and you ship or transport in interstate or foreign commerce, or possess in or affecting commerce, any firearm or ammunition, or if you receive any firearm or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce, YOU ARE SUBJECT TO BEING PROSECUTED IN FEDERAL COURT FOR VIOLATING 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(9). Also, Section 13A-11-72(a) provides that it is a Class C felony for a person convicted in the state or elsewhere of a misdemeanor offense of domestic violence or subject to a valid protection order for domestic abuse to own a firearm or have one in his or her possession or under his or her control. A copy of this order has been delivered to the probationer, who has been instructed regarding this order. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Probation Officer Date The above instructions and conditions have been explained to me. I have received a copy of this order, I understand the conditions, and I agree to abide by them. _____________________________________ Date ___