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Detention Shelter Care Hearing Order Form. This is a Alabama form and can be use in Juvenile Statewide.
Tags: Detention Shelter Care Hearing Order, JU 17, Alabama Statewide, Juvenile
State of Alabama
Unified Judicial System
Form JU – 17
Rev. 05/09
Case Number
County Name
IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF _______________________________________________________COUNTY, ALABAMA
In the Matter of ______________________________________________________________________________, a child
Parties who appeared in the detention/shelter care hearing held on ___________________were as follows :
The court informed the parties of their rights, the contents of the petition, and the nature of the proceeding and gave the
parties an opportunity to admit or deny the allegations of the petition.
The court, having considered the pleadings, evidence, and arguments of all parties, determines that there is probable cause
to believe the allegations contained in the petition are true and that the child should remain in detention/shelter care by reason
of the following:
There is no suitable person able to provide care and supervision for the child.
Release of the child would present a clear and substantial threat of a serious nature to the person or property of another.
Release of the child would present a serious threat of substantial harm to the child.
The child has a history of failing to appear before the court for hearings.
There is reasonable cause to believe that the child has violated the conditions of his/her
has violated another valid court order.
There is reasonable cause to believe the child may flee the jurisdiction of the court.
Interstate Compact on Juveniles
It is, therefore, the order of the court that the child be, and hereby is, placed in the care and custody of the Juvenile Court at
the ________________________________________________________________________________ (detention/shelter
care facility) where the child is to remain until further orders of this court.
(If this form is signed by a referee, there must be an attached order of
ratification signed by a judge.
It is hereby ordered by the court that the child be released from detention/shelter care to:
Ala. Code 1975, §12-15-207
COURT RECORD: (Original)
(If this form is signed by a referee, there must be an attached order of
ratification signed by a judge.
CHILD: (Copy)
American LegalNet, Inc.