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Informal Adjustment Form. This is a Alabama form and can be use in Juvenile Statewide.
Tags: Informal Adjustment, JU 4, Alabama Statewide, Juvenile
State of Alabama
Unified Judicial System
Form JU- 4 (front)
Case Number
Rev. 1/09
IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF _________________________________________________ COUNTY, ALABAMA
(Name of County)
In the Matter of _________________________________________________________________, a child
A complaint concerning the above–named child has been filed and an informal adjustment of this matter is hereby agreed to, subject to
the following terms, conditions, and understandings: **
That this court has jurisdiction to consider this matter, and
That the child and his/her parents or custodian have been advised of their rights
This Agreement will be in force for six (6) months unless sooner terminated.
It is further understood that the parents or custodian and the child will be notified upon termination or dismissal of this
Agreement. I acknowledge that I have read, or have had read to me, the information which is printed on the reverse side
of this form and it has been explained to me.
Agreed :
Parent / Custodian
Recommended and Agreed :
Intake Officer**
** Note to Intake Officer: In using this Agreement, you must explain Rule 15 of the Alabama Rules of Juvenile Procedure
IN FULL and satisfy yourself that all conditions of this Rule are understood by all parties. (Rule 15 printed on the back of
this form.)
Rule 15, Ala.R.Juv.P; Ala. Code 1975, §12-15-119
INTAKE OFFICE : (Original)
CHILD: (Copy)
American LegalNet, Inc.
Form JU–4 (back) Rev. 1/09
“ (A) If there is sufficient evidence to bring the child within the jurisdiction of the court, and following advisement of rights to the
child and his parents or custodian, including the right to counsel at this and all other stages of the proceeding, upon
recommendation of the intake office the matter may be held open and the intake office may attempt, with the consent of the
child and his patents or custodian, to make satisfactory informal adjustment.
(B) Informal adjustment shall include counseling and advising the child and his parents or custodian by the intake officer
and other appropriate persons, which persons may also include the judge of the juvenile court, and informal adjustment may
also include, with the consent of the juvenile and with the consent of his parents or custodian, supervision by the juvenile officer
and the temporary placement of the juvenile with persons other than his parents or custodian. Referrals may be made
to public and private agencies which may provide assistance or services to the juvenile and his parents or custodian.
(C) The intake officer may either terminate the informal adjustment process and dismiss the child without further proceedings
or terminate the informal adjustment process and file a petition in the court if at any time :
(1) It appears that the child and his parents or custodian have received the maximum benefit from the informal
adjustment process;
(2) The child or his parents or custodian declines to participate further in the informal adjustment process;
(3) The child or his parents or custodian denies the jurisdiction of the court;
(4) The child or his parents or custodian expresses a desire that the facts be determined by the court;
(5) The child fails without reasonable excuse to attend scheduled conferences;
(6) The child appears unable or unwilling to benefit from the informal adjustment process;
(7) The intake officer becomes apprised of new or additional information which makes it appear that further efforts at
informal adjustment would not be in the best interests of the juvenile or of society;
(8) Other sufficient reasons exist for terminating the informal adjustment process.
(D) The informal adjustment process shall not continue beyond a period of six months from its commencement.
(E) Upon termination of the informal adjustment process and dismissal of the child without further proceedings, the
intake officer shall notify the child and his parents and custodian thereof and report such action to the court.”
American LegalNet, Inc.