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Motion For The Destruction Of Records Form. This is a Alabama form and can be use in Juvenile Statewide.
Tags: Motion For The Destruction Of Records, JU 13A, Alabama Statewide, Juvenile
Case Number
State of Alabama
Unified Judicial System
Form JU-13A
Rev. 1/09
IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF _____________________________________________________________COUNTY, ALABAMA
(Name of County)
In the Matter of ___________________________________________________________________________________, a child
In accordance with Ala. Code 1975, §12-15-137, I hereby request the court to destroy the legal and social files and records
pertaining to me on the following grounds:
Two years have elapsed since my final discharge from legal custody or supervision; or two years have elapsed since the entry
of any other court order not involving custody or supervision; and
I have not been convicted or adjudicated delinquent or youthful offender of any felony or misdemeanor involving sexual offenses,
drugs, weapons, violence or threats of violence, prior to the filing of this motion and no proceeding is pending seeking the
conviction or adjudication of such offense.
Five years have elapsed since I attained the age of majority.
It is also requested that the court cause all records of other agencies to be destroyed, as applicable, on the same
grounds as stated above:
Law enforcement records and files
Juvenile legal files
Records of Juvenile Probation Officers
Psychiatric or psychological records
Reports of preliminary inquires
Predispositional studies
Supervision records
Records of the Department of Human Resources
Records of the Department of Youth Services
Other (please specify): ______________________
Movant ( Signature )
Pursuant to Ala. Code 1975, §12-15-137, the following are hereby notified of this motion:
Authority Granting Discharge: ________________________________
Law Enforcement Agency, Department, Agency and/or central depository having custody of files: _____________________
Juvenile Court Clerk
Ala Code 1975, §12-15-137
COURT RECORD: (Original)
CHILD: (Copy)
American LegalNet, Inc.