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State of Alabama Unified Judicial System JU-24 Sample (Front) 10/11 ORDER OF SHELTER CARE Case Number IN THE JUVENILE OR FAMILY COURT OF _________________________ COUNTY, ALABAMA In the Matter of ___________________________________ , a child On _________, a shelter care hearing was held. (date) (Name of County) Note: Check which parties and attorneys or others who were present at the hearing, place their names in the blanks, and check whether or not the attorneys were appointed or retained: Child's Attorney Guardian ad item (GAL) Attorney Atty/GAL Atty/GAL Attorney Attorney Attorney _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Appt Appt Appt Appt Appt Appt Appt Appt Rtnd Rtnd Rtnd Rtnd Rtnd Rtnd Rtnd Rtnd Child DHR Worker Mother Father Other Foster parents (if kno wn) _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Custodian The Court, having considered the agreement stipulation of facts relevant and material evidence presented, the Court finds in accordance with the requirements of Public Law 96-272, as amended by Public law 105-89, and Ala. Code 1975, �12-15-312 as follows [CHECK WHICH BOXES ARE APPLICABLE]: 1. That continuation of the residence of the child in his or her home would be contrary to the welfare of the child because: After reviewing the attached Department's written court report dated _______ , p. _______ , and based on the testimony of the parties, I incorporate into this Order the finding in the court report; After reviewing the attached Department's written court report dated _________ , p. ______ , and based on the testimony of the parties, I modify the findings of the Department in its court report, as follows: [In this section, the court must state reasons why the child was removed from the home and cannot be returned home.] 2. That the efforts made by the Department to prevent the removal of the child from his or her home: were were not reasonable. The Department's efforts consisted of the following: After reviewing the attached Department's written court report dated __________, p.______ and based on the testimony of the parties, I incorporate into this Order the efforts described in the court report; After reviewing the attached Department's written court report dated________, p.______ and based on the testimony of the parties, I modify the findings in the court report, as follows: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. That an emergency situation exists which requires the immediate temporary removal of the child from his/her home and that under the conditions described in the Department's attached written court report dated ________ , p. ____ reasonable efforts were not required/appropriate because of the emergency situation, as follows: American LegalNet, Inc. State of Alabama Unified Judicial System Form JU-24 (Back) Case Number ORDER OF SHELTER CARE Rev. 10/11 After reviewing the attached Department's written court report dated _____________, p. _________ and based on the testimony of the parties, I incorporated into this Order the efforts described in the report; After reviewing the attached Department's written court report dated _____________, p. _________ and based on the testimony of the parties, I modify the finds in the court report, as follows; [Note: The following items only need to be completed if these situations apply]: That reasonable effort is not required to be made because: The parental rights of the mother the father to _________________________, a sibling has been involuntary terminated; This court has determined that the mother the father has subjected the child or a sibling of the child to an aggravated circumstance, specifically ________________________________________, and the risk of child abuse or neglect is too high for the child to remain at home safely or to be returned home. This court has determined that the mother the father committed murder pursuant to Ala. Code 1975, �13A-6-2, or manslaughter pursuant to Ala. Code 1975, �13A-4-____, of _______, to another child of the parent or the other parent of the child, as shown in Case No. ______________________________; This court has determined that the mother the father committed Assault 1st pursuant to Ala. nd Code 1975, �13A-6-22, Assault 2 pursuant to Ala. Code 1975, �13A-6-23, which resulted in the serious bodily injury to the child or _______________________, another child of such parent or the other parent of the child. A permanency hearing is scheduled to take place at_____________________, which is within 30 days from today's date. It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED, and DECREED as follows [CHECK WHICH BOXES ARE APPLICABLE]: The child is released to custody of ______________________________ pending trial under the attached terms and conditions. Custody of the child is transferred to the _____________________ County Department of Human Resources, pendente lite. With the Department having discretion in planning and placement pending an adjudicatory/disposition hearing in _____ days. That the GAL child's attorney shall perform the following duties: That the Department shall schedule an Individualized Service Plan (ISP) meeting with all parties present. This matter is set for docket call on ____________ at ___________ for the trial week of _____________. All parties and attorneys must be present. Case is DISMISSED. Other: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ DONE and ORDERED: ______________________________. (Date) ____________________________ (JUDGE) Ala. Code 1975, �� 12-15-207, 12-15-209, 12-15-308, 12-15-309, 12-15-312 American LegalNet, Inc.