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Petition For Relief From Registration And Notification Under The Form. This is a Alabama form and can be use in Juvenile Statewide.
Tags: Petition For Relief From Registration And Notification Under The, JU 47C, Alabama Statewide, Juvenile
Form JU 47C
Rev. 7/11
Case No:
Petition for Relief from Registration and
Notification Under the
Alabama Sex Offender Registration and
Community Notification Act of 2011
State of Alabama
Unified Judicial System
JU ___________________
County/Jurisdiction of Conviction or
(To be filed in the Sentencing Court or, if conviction/adjudication was out-of-state,
file in court of county where sex offender resides)
Case No: JU ___________________
In the Juvenile Court of ____________________________________ County, Alabama
(name of county)
IN THE MATTER OF ________________________________________, A CHILD
(name of child)
Comes now the Petitioner, ___________________________________, pursuant to Section 24 of Act No. 2011-640, otherwise
known as the Alabama Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification Act ("the Act"), and petitions this court for
relief from the registration and notification requirements set forth in the Act. The petitioner asserts to the following:
That the petitioner was charged with _____________________________________________and adjudicated
delinquent of_______________________________________________________________________, a sex
offense(s) in__________________________________________________case numbers:________________
(name of county and state or jurisdiction)
That the sex offense did not involve force and was only a crime due to the age of the victim; at the time of
the commission of the sex offense, the victim was 13 years of age or older; and at the time of the commission
of the sex offense, the petitioner was not more than four years older than the victim.
That the petitioner files contemporaneously with this petition the following supporting documentation:
A certified copy of the adjudication or conviction requiring registration, which includes a
detailed description of the sex offense;
Proof of the age of the victim and the age of the sex offender at the time of the commission of the
sex offense;
A list of each county, municipality, and jurisdiction where the petitioner is required to
register or has ever been required to register as a sex offender;
A copy of the petitioner's criminal record; and
An affidavit of the petitioner stating that the petitioner has no pending criminal charges.
Signature of Petitioner
Printed Name of Petitioner
Signature of Attorney (if any)
Printed Name of Attorney and Attorney Code
Business Address of Attorney
Address of Petitioner
Petitioner shall serve a copy of this petition by certified mail on all of the following: (1) The prosecuting attorney in the county of adjudication if the
petitioner was adjudicated or in this state; (2) The prosecuting attorney of the county where the sex offender resides; and (3) Local law enforcement
where the petitioner was adjudicated or convicted if the petitioner was adjudicated this state.
American LegalNet, Inc.