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Statement Of Claim (Complaint) For Specific Property Form. This is a Alabama form and can be use in Small Claims Statewide.
Tags: Statement Of Claim (Complaint) For Specific Property, SM-02, Alabama Statewide, Small Claims
State of Alabama Unified Judicial System Form SM-2 (front) Rev. 3/95 STATEMENT OF CLAIM (Complaint) For Specific Property Case Number IN THE SMALL CLAIMS COURT OF _________________________________________________________________, ALABAMA (Name of County) __________________________________________ v._______________________________________ Plaintiff Defendant Plaintiff's Home Address Defendant's Home Address Plaintiff's Attorney's Address Additional Defendant(s) and Addresses NOTICE TO EACH DEFENDANT � READ CAREFULLY YOU ARE BEING SUED IN THE SMALL CLAIMS COURT BY THE PLAINTIFF(S) SHOWN ABOVE. THE JUDGE HAS NOT YET MADE ANY DECISION IN THIS CASE, AND YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO A TRIAL TO TELL YOUR SIDE. HOWEVER, IF YOU, OR YOUR LAWYER, FAIL TO FILL OUT THE ENCLOSED ANSWER FORM AND DELIVER OR MAIL IT TO THE CLERK AT THE ADDRESS SHOWN BELOW, SO THAT IT WILL GET TO THE CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS AFTER YOU RECEIVE THESE PAPERS, A JUDGMENT CAN BE TAKEN AGAINST YOU FOR THE MONEY OR PROPERTY DEMANDED IN THE FOLLOWING COMPLAINT, ONCE A JUDGMENT HAS BEEN ENTERED AGAINST YOU, YOUR PAYCHECK CAN BE GARNISHED AND/OR YOUR HOME OR PROPERTY SOLD TO SATISFY THAT JUDGMENT. COMPLAINT 1. Plaintiff demands right to possession from the defendant(s) of the following property: Otherwise, plaintiff claims sum of $____________________ from the defendant(s) as the alternate value of this property: 2. 3. Plaintiff also claims from the defendant the sum of $ ________________________ for the use of this property from ______________________________ to the present. Plaintiff also claims from the defendant(s) court costs in the sum of $ ________________________ (see note below), and $_______________ for lawyers' fees (only if plaintiff is represented by a licensed, practicing attorney and if the contract or note you signed so provides.) NOTE: The total amount of court costs may be more than this amount when the case is finally settled. The clerk will inform you of any additional costs at the close of the case. CLERK'S ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________ Plaintiff or Plaintiff's Attorney (Signature) Attorney Code __________________________ Clerk's Phone No. ________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Plaintiff's or Plaintiffs Attorney's Phone Number (See instructions on the Back) Date of Filing_________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. Form SM-2 (back) Rev. 3/95 INSTRUCTIONS TO THE PLAINTIFF'S This is your case, and if you are acting as your own lawyer, you are responsible in seeing that your claim is successfully presented at each stage of the procedure until it is concluded. The clerk of the court has a brochure which tells you how to handle a Small Claims case. This brochure is free to you on request.. 1. You must complete one of these forms for each defendant you wish to sue. Each defendant must be described by his/her correct legal name and address (not a post office box). Be as brief as possible but include every important name, date and place To start your case you must file the completed form with the clerk assigned to Small Claims cases. The clerk will stamp a copy for you to show that the case has been filed and will insert the number of the case on the front of this form. You are responsible for seeing that each defendant receives a copy of this form. If you haven't heard from anyone about the case in about fourteen days, then check with the clerk's office, to make sure that each defendant has been served. If any of the defendants ask for a trial you will be notified of the place, the date, and the time. You must be present or your case will be dismissed. You may take a judgment by default fourteen (14) days after the defendant has received a copy of this form, if the defendant fails to file his/her Answer. You are responsible to see to the enforcement of any judgment that is awarded to you. The Small Claims brochure will tell you how to go about recovering your money. It is not the responsibility of the court or the clerk to collect the judgment for you. 2. 3. 4. 5. ANY TIME YOU CONTACT THE CLERK ABOUT THIS CASE YOU MUST REFER TO THE CASE NUMBER ON THE FRONT. INSTRUCTIONS TO SHERIFF OR PROCESS SERVER To Any Sheriff or Any Person Authorized by Rule 4.1(b)(1) or 4.1(b)(2) of the Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure to Effect Service in the State of Alabama. You are hereby commanded to serve this summons and a copy of the Statement of Claim in this action upon the defendant(s) named ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and make proper return to this court. Date ________________________ __________________________ By_____________________ Clerk RETURN ON SERVICE: Served on defendant(s) named _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by delivering a copy of the Summons and Statement of Claim to him/her in ____________________________________________ County, Alabama, on (Date) ______________________________________________________________________, ____________________________________________________ Process Server Signature ____________________________________________________ Title of Process Server This service by certified mail of this Summons and Statement of Claim is initiated upon the request ______________________________________________ pursuant to Rule 4.1.(c) of the Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure. Date Requested ___________________________________ Return Receipt Date _______________________________ of Date Mailed __________________________________________ ______________________________ By___________________ Clerk American LegalNet, Inc.