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United States Bankruptcy Court TUCSON DIVISION James A Walsh Courthouse 38 S. Scott Avenue Tucson, AZ 85701 520-202-7500 YUMA DIVISION John M. Roll Courthouse 98 W. 1st Street, Suite 270 Yuma, AZ 85364 800-556-9230 District of Arizona PHOENIX HEADQUARTERS 230 N. First Avenue, Suite 101 Phoenix AZ 85003-1706 602-682-4000 ATTORNEY ADDRESS CHANGE (See page 2 for additional requirements) Attorney Name: Firm Name: AZ State Bar No.: Old Address: Street: City, State, Zip Code: Phone: E-Mail: New Address: Street: City, State, Zip Phone: E-Mail: Date: Attorney Record Updated: Date: KR/AttyAddChg2/14 American LegalNet, Inc. Fax: Fax: Signature: By: Completion and submission of this address change will update your address in the court's electronic database. However, in those cases where you represent a party other than the debtor, this address change will not update your address on the mailing lists for those cases. In those cases, to update your address on the mailing list and to give notice of your address change to other attorneys and parties, you must file a notice of change of address in each case. In cases where you do represent the debtor, when your address is updated in the database, it will also be updated on the mailing lists for those cases. If the change of address is because you have changed law firms, in each case in which you have appeared and in which your old firm will continue to represent the debtor or other party, a notice must be filed stating that you no longer represent the party and stating who in the firm now represents that party. For those cases in which you, at the new firm, will continue to represent the debtor or other party, you will remain the attorney of record at your new firm and address. American LegalNet, Inc.