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Person Filing: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip: Phone Number: Representing Self SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA, COUNTY OF COCONINO Petitioner: Case Number: DO Respondent: AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION Service by publication is the best way to notify the other party of the court date set in this case because I do not know where the other party lives. I have not mailed the other party copies of my request for a court date. As far as I know, the other party is not in U.S. military service. Here's what I did to try to find the other party: I had the court order setting a court date published in the following newspaper(s): Name of Newspaper Name of County in Arizona once a week for four weeks in a row, on the following dates: 1. 2. 3. Each publisher's affidavit and a copy of the notice as published are attached. 4. Petitioner's Signature: State of Arizona County of Subscribed and sworn before me this date: Seal: Revised February 2014 ) ) ) by: Notary Public: Notary Expiration Date: American LegalNet, Inc. © 2014 Coconino County Law Library