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Application To Restore Civil Rights Set Aside Judgment Form. This is a Arizona form and can be use in Coconino Local County.
Tags: Application To Restore Civil Rights Set Aside Judgment, Arizona Local County, Coconino
When you file this Application with the court, you must also file the Order form in this packet. (1) Person Filing: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip: Phone Number: Representing Self SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA, COUNTY OF COCONINO In re the Application of: (3) Case Number: APPLICATION TO: (4) [ ] RESTORE CIVIL RIGHTS [ ] SET ASIDE A JUDGMENT (A.R.S. Title 13, Chapter 9) (2) Defendant, To Restore Civil Rights and/or Set Aside a Judgment (5) My Street Address: City, State, Zip: Phone Number: (6) Date I Was Convicted: Crimes for Which I Was Convicted: Date I Was Sentenced: Court That Sentenced Me: Judge Who Sentenced Me: (7) Date My Probation Began: Date of Court Order Ending My Probation: Date My Probation Ended: (8) I ask the court to restore the following of my civil rights: [ ] the right to possess a gun or firearm [ ] all other rights (9) [ ] I was sentenced for a felony in this court. [] I was discharged from probation. [] I was discharged from prison at least two years ago. A certificate of absolute discharge from the director of the state department of corrections is attached, or I was unable to get one because: (10) [ ] I was sentenced for a felony in federal court and I live in Coconino County. [] I was discharged from probation. An affidavit of discharge from the judge who discharged me is attached, or I was unable to get one because: Page 1 of 2 Revised April 2013 American LegalNet, Inc. Coconino County Law Library and Self-Help Center Forms [] I was discharged from prison at least two years ago. A certificate of absolute discharge from the director of the federal bureau of prisons is attached, or I was unable to get one because: (11) If I'm asking the court to restore my right to possess a gun or firearm: [] I was not convicted of a dangerous or serious offense as defined by A.R.S. 13-105 and 13-706, and it has been at least two years since the date of my discharge from probation or absolute discharge from prison. I was convicted of a serious, but not dangerous, offense as defined by A.R.S. 13-105 and 13-706, and it has been at least ten years since the date of my discharge from probation or absolute discharge from prison. [] (12) [ ] I ask the court to set aside my judgment. (13) This court sentenced me for one or more crimes, and I have been discharged from: [ ] probation [ ] prison. No crime for which I was convicted is a crime listed in A.R.S. 13907(D). I have read this Application, and it is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. (14) State of Arizona County of Subscribed and sworn before me this date: Seal: Defendant's Signature: ) ) ) by: Notary Public: Notary Expiration Date: American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Revised April 2013 Coconino County Law Library and Self-Help Center Forms