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Order Appointing Guardian And-Or Conservator (Adult) Form. This is a Arizona form and can be use in Coconino Local County.
Tags: Order Appointing Guardian And-Or Conservator (Adult), Arizona Local County, Coconino
Before filling this out, photocopy the blank form to take to the hearing. Person Filing: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip: Phone Number: SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA, COUNTY OF COCONINO In the Matter of the Guardianship and/or Conservatorship of: Ward 1: Ward 2: Ward 3: A Minor AFTER HEARING, THE COURT FINDS: Venue in this county is proper. Notice of Hearing has been given. The minor does not currently have a guardian or conservator, and no other proceeding is pending in another court. The minor is unmarried. [] Guardianship: All parental rights of custody have been terminated or suspended by prior court order, parent's written consent, or other circumstance. Petitioner is qualified to serve as the minor's guardian. The court reviewed Petitioner's fingerprint report and found it contains nothing to prevent the appointment, or no fingerprinting was required. The guardianship will serve the minor's welfare and best interests. Conservatorship: The minor owns money or property that requires management or protection that cannot otherwise be provided, and/or the minor has affairs that may be jeopardized or prevented by their minority, and/or it is necessary or desirable to obtain or provide funds needed for the minor's support and education. Petitioner is qualified to serve as the minor's conservator. Case Number: GC ORDER APPOINTING: [ ] A GUARDIAN ONLY [ ] A CONSERVATOR ONLY [ ] A GUARDIAN AND CONSERVATOR [] THE COURT ORDERS: Appointment of a Guardian and/or Conservator: is appointed as [ ] guardian [ ] conservator. The guardian does not have inpatient mental health care authority. Page 1 of 3 Revised June 2013 American LegalNet, Inc. Coconino County Law Library and Self-Help Center Forms Leave the rest of the form blank. This is for the court to fill in. Orders to the Conservator: 1. Inventory and Appraisement: Within 90 days, the conservator must file with the court a detailed inventory of the ward's assets, indicating fair market value. [] Conservatorship Estate Budget: If this box is checked, within 90 days, the conservator must file with the court a Conservatorship Estate Budget. The form is online at 2. 3. Restricted Account: [] The account is to be restricted, and the depository shall permit no withdrawal of principal or interest except upon receipt of a certified copy of an order of this court authorizing it. Proof that the restricted account was established must be filed within 30 days. . Bond: The guardian and/or conservator must file a bond in the amount of $ Issuance of Letters: The Clerk of Court shall issue the Letters of Guardianship and/or Conservatorship with the following restrictions: The following real property shall not be sold, transfered, or encumbered without prior court approval: The following accounts shall be restricted: Other: Acceptance of Letters: The guardian and/or conservator shall sign and file the Acceptance of the Letters within 5 days. Change of Address: The guardian and/or conservator shall notify the court in writing immediately of a change in a guardian's, conservator's, or ward's address or phone number. Criminal Offenses: The guardian and/or conservator shall notify the court in writing immediately if they are charged with or convicted of a criminal offense other than a civil traffic violation. Other Duties Under Law: The guardian's and/or conservator's duties as required by state law and set forth in this Order and the Order to Guardian and/or Conservator shall continue until an order of this court discharges the guardian and/or conservator. Discharge of Attorney: The court-appointed attorney [ ] is or [ ] is not discharged from further duties in this matter. The attorney may file a request for payment within 10 days. Court-Appointed Investigator: The investigator may file a request for payment within 10 days. Annual Report and Accounting: The guardian shall file a Guardian's Report and the conservator shall file a Conservator's Accounting with the court annually. A hearing is set on the non-appearance Page 2 of 3 Revised June 2013 American LegalNet, Inc. Coconino County Law Library and Self-Help Center Forms calendar for . If the guardian and/or conservator 1) files the Report and/or Accounting and Notice of Hearing at least 21 days before the hearing and 2) mails or hand-delivers a copy of it to everyone entitled to notice, they need not appear at the hearing. A Guardian's Report packet is at the Law Library (in the Courthouse or online at For the Conservator's Accounting, the conservator shall use: [] The Conservator's Accounting packet at the Law Library (in the Courthouse or online at Form 6 at for the first annual accounting and Form 7 at for the annual accountings after that (regular accounting). Form 9 at (simplified accounting). [] [] Date: Superior Court Judge: Page 3 of 3 Revised June 2013 American LegalNet, Inc. Coconino County Law Library and Self-Help Center Forms