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Enter the same information on the Order that you entered on the Petition. 222s Name Respondent222s Name: The following changes are in the children222s best interest. American LegalNet, Inc. Children222s Primary Residence Is Changed To: The children will be in Father222s care at these At the start of Father222s time with the children, [ ] Mother will drop them off or [ ] Father will The children will be in Mother222s care at these times: 222s time with the children, [ ] Father will drop them off or [ ] Mother will schedule below, the children will be in [ ] Mother222s or [ ] Father222s care. New Year222s Eve New Year222s Day American LegalNet, Inc. Veteran222s Day Children222s Birthdays Mother will have the children on Mother222s Day and Father will have the children on er222s Day.Each parent will have the children on that parent222s weekends, which include Martin Luther King Day, President222s Day, Each parent may contact the children by phone during the children222s normal waking Religion: [ ] Each parent may take the children to a place of worship of that parent222s choice while the children are in that parent222s care. [ ] The children may be instructed in the following faith: [ ] Religious arrangements do not apply to this Plan. 226 226they222ll make their best effort to cooperate and come to agreements in the children222s best interest. If they can222t agree, they have they222re trying to come to an agreement, they will continue to follow this Parenting Plan. American LegalNet, Inc. Unsupervised parenting time would seriously endanger the children222s physical, mental, moral, or Even supervised parenting time with the other parent would seriously endanger the children222s (Leave blank. The court will fill this in.) Children222s Insurance and Health Care Expenses:The parties222 income tax dependency exemptions are divided as stated in the Child American LegalNet, Inc. Donot sign the Order. The judge will sign the Order if the judge grants your requests. American LegalNet, Inc.