Request For Order Granting Or Denying A Hearing On Parenting Time Or Legal Decision Making
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Person Filing: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip: Phone Number: Representing Self SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA, COUNTY OF COCONINO Petitioner's Name on the Current Legal DecisionMaking Order: Case Number: DO Respondent's Name: REQUEST FOR ORDER GRANTING OR DENYING A HEARING ON PARENTING TIME OR LEGAL DECISION-MAKING [ ] Petitioner or [ ] Respondent filed a Petition for Modification of Parenting Time, Legal DecisionMaking, and Child Support on this date: . The other party [ ] filed or [ ] did not file a Response to the Petition. The Petition and a Notice of Filing Petition to Modify Parenting Time, Legal Decision-Making, and Child Support were served on this date: . At least 25 days have passed since service. Please issue an order granting or denying a hearing on the request to change parenting time or legal decision-making. I will mail or hand-deliver a copy of this Request to the other party/the other party's attorney and to the court division assigned to this case on the day I file it. Date: Signature: Revised March 2013 American LegalNet, Inc. Coconino County Law Library and Self-Help Center Forms