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Subpoena And Affidavit Of Service Of Subpoena Form. This is a Arizona form and can be use in Coconino Local County.
Tags: Subpoena And Affidavit Of Service Of Subpoena, Arizona Local County, Coconino
Page 1 of 2 Revised December 2018 251 2018 Coconino County Law Library Person Requesting: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: COCONINO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Plaintiff/Petitioner s Name: Case Number: Defendant/Respondent s Name: SUBPOENA To: YOU ARE COMMANDED to attend the following court proceeding and testify on the part of [ ] Plaintiff/Petitioner [ ] Defendant/Respondent: Name of Proceeding: Where: Superior Court of Arizona, County of Coconino, Division C oconino County Courthouse, 200 North San Francisco, Flagstaff When: Date: Time: Request s for reasonable accommodation for a person with a disabilit y must be made to the Court by or on behalf of the person requesting accomodation at least 3 working days before the court date . Your Duties In Responding To This Subpoena You have the duty to produce the documents requested as they are kept by you in the usual course of business, or you may organize the documents and label them to correspond w ith the categories set forth in this subpoena. If this subpoena asks you to produce and permit inspection and copying of designated books, papers, documents, tangible things, or the inspectio n of premises, you need not appear to produce the items unless the subpoena states that you must appear for a deposition, hearing, or trial. Your Right To Object The party or attorney serv ing the subpoena has a duty to take reasonable steps to avoid imposing an undue burden or expense on you. The Superior Court enforces this duty and may impose sanctions upon the party or attorney serving the subpoena if this duty is breached. You may object to this subpoena if you feel that you should not be required to respond to the request(s) made. Any objection to this subpoena must be made within 14 days after it is served upon you, or be fore the time specified for compliance, by providing a written objection to the party or attorney serving the subpoena. If you object because you claim the information requested is privile ged or subject to protection as trial preparation material, you must express the objection clearly and support each objection with a description of the nature of the document, communication or item not produced so that the demanding party can contest the c laim. American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Revised December 2018 251 2018 Coconino County Law Library If you object to the subpoena in writing, you do not need to comply with the subpoena until a court orders you to do so. It will be up to the party or attorney serving the subpoena to s eek an order from the court to compel you to provide the documents or inspection requested, after providing notice to you. If you are not a party to the litigation, or an officer of a part y, the court will issue an order to protect you from any significant expense resulting from the inspection and copying commanded. You also may file a motion in the superior court of the co unty in which the case is pending to quash or modify the subpoena if the subpoena: (1) does not provide a reasonable time for compliance; (2) requires a non - party or officer of a party to travel to a county different from the county where the person resi des or does business in person; or to travel to a county different from where the subpoena was served; or to travel to a place farther than 40 miles from the place of service; or to travel to a place different from any other convenient place fixed by an or der of a court, except that a subpoena for you to appear and testify at trial can command you to travel from any place within the state; (3) requires the disclosure of privileged or protected information and no waiver or exception applies; or (4) subject s you to an undue burden. If this subpoena: (1) requires disclosure of a trade secret or other confidential research, development, or commercial trade information; or (2) requires disclo sure of an unretained expert s opinion or information not describing specific events or occurrences in dispute and resulting from the expert s study made not at the request of any party; or (3) requires a person who is not a party or an officer of a party to incur substantial travel expense, the court may either quash or modify the subpoena, or the court may order you to appear or produce documents only upon specified conditions, if the party who served the subpoena shows a substantial need for the testim ony or material that cannot be otherwise met without undue hardship and assures that you will be reasonably compensated. A command to produce evidence or to permit inspection, copying, testing, or sampling, may be joined with a command to appear at trial or hearing or at deposition, or may be issued separately. SIGNED AND SEALED this date: Clerk of Superior Court By: Deputy Clerk American LegalNet, Inc. Revised June 2013 Coconino County Law Library and Self-Help Center Forms Name: Mailin g Address: Cit y , State, Zi p : Phone: SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA, COUNTY OF COCONINO Case Number: Plaintiff/Petitioner's Name AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE OF SUBPOENA Defendant/Res p ondent's Name STATE OF ARIZONA ) COUNTY OF ) ss. I received the Sub p oena addressed to and dated on this date: at this time: and I p ersonall y served it as follows: Name: Date: Time: Place: Manner: I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: Signature Printed Name: Street Address: Cit y , State, Zi p : Phone: FEES $ MILEAGE $ OTHER $ TOTAL $ American LegalNet, Inc.