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Person Filing: Address (if not protected): City, State, Zip Code: Telephone: Email Address: Lawyer's Bar Number: Representing Self, without a Lawyer or Attorney for Petitioner OR FOR CLERK'S USE ONLY Respondent SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA IN MARICOPA COUNTY In the Matter of Guardianship of: Case Number: JG DECLARATION SUPPORTING PUBLICATION A Minor UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY I make this Affidavit to tell the Court why service by publication was necessary, and to show how service by publication was done. 1. Here are the names of people entitled to notice of this matter to which I gave notice by publication: Name: Last Known Address: Last Date I Tried to Find Person: Relationship of Person to the Minor: Name: Last Known Address: Last Date I Tried to Find Person: Relationship of Person to the Minor: Name: Last Known Address: Last Date I Tried to Find Person: Relationship of Person to the Minor: Name: Last Known Address: Last Date I Tried to Find Person: Relationship of Person to the Minor: © Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County ALL RIGHTS RESERVED JG25f - 050115 Page 1 of 4 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. ______________________ 2. The residence and location of the persons to whom notice was given by publication is unknown to me. I have made every reasonable effort to find those persons but despite a diligent search have been unable to find an address or location and to have the court papers personally served. (Explain below everything you did to try to find the persons to whom notice was given by publication. Check all that apply and supply details where indicated. This list is not all-inclusive and other options may be available. If the Court is not satisfied that you have made every reasonable effort to locate, you may be required to take additional steps, including being required to publish notice again.) 3. I took the following actions to try to locate the other party. (Check all that apply. Supply details.) Checked the county jail in Maricopa County and/or this county: Checked the prisons (Dept. of Corrections) in Arizona and/or this state: Checked phone directories Checked court records at: Contacted Post Office for forwarding address information Checked obituary notices at: (List newspapers checked) Also Searched the Internet* at: (Check all that apply.) * Windows Live ( Searched other sites listed here: Facebook MySpace * I UNDERSTAND SEARCHING THE INTERNET ALONE IS NOT ENOUGH TO JUSTIFY SERVICE BY PUBLICATION, AND IF THIS IS THE ONLY EFFORT I MADE TO LOCATE PERSONS TO BE SERVED, PUBLICATION MAY BE REJECTED, MY CASE DELAYED, AND I MAY HAVE TO TAKE OTHER STEPS AND PAY TO PUBLISH AGAIN. I contacted the persons listed below to try to get information about the location of the person(s) notified by publication so that the court papers could be personally served on him or her. Name: Last Known Address: How I contacted this person: Relationship to Person entitled to Notice: _______________________________________________ Examples: friend, ex-wife, parent, brother, roommate, co-worker, employer Name: Last Known Address: How I contacted this person: Relationship to Person entitled to Notice: © Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 2 of 4 JG25f - 050115 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. ______________________ Name: Last Known Address: How I contacted this person: Relationship to Person entitled to Notice: ____________________________________________________ Examples: friend, ex-wife, parent, brother, roommate, co-worker, employer Name: Last Known Address: How I contacted this person: Relationship to Person entitled to Notice: Name: Last Known Address: How I contacted this person: Relationship to Person entitled to Notice: Name: Last Known Address: How I contacted this person: Relationship to Person entitled to Notice: Name: Last Known Address: How I contacted this person: Relationship to Person entitled to Notice: Name: Last Known Address: How I contacted this person: Relationship to Person entitled to Notice: 4. To the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, the person entitled to notice is not in the military service of the United States. © Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 3 of 4 JG25f - 050115 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. ______________________ 5. The following documents were published in a newspaper in the county where my case is pending. (List title/name of each document. Example: Petition, Summons) The documents above were published on the following dates: A. / / , B. / / , C. / / , D. / / . AND/OR The following documents were published in a newspaper in the Arizona county of the other party's last known address, or in an adjoining county if no newspaper is published in that county, and neither is the county in which my case is pending. A. / / , B. / / , C. / / , D. / / . 6. The "Affidavit of Publication" (supplied by the newspaper after publication is complete) and a copy of the notice published are attached or have been filed. (REQUIRED) 7. By signing below, I state to the Court that I have read this document and that the information provided is true and correct, under penalty of perjury. Date Signature STATE OF COUNTY OF Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me this: (date) . by (notary seal) Deputy Clerk or Notary Public © Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 4 of 4 JG25f - 050115 American LegalNet, Inc.