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Decree Of Legal Separation (Without Children) Form. This is a Arizona form and can be use in Maricopa Local County.
Tags: Decree Of Legal Separation (Without Children), DRLSA81f, Arizona Local County, Maricopa
251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 1 of 8 DRLSA81f 010119 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Use current version Person Filing: Address (if not protected): City, State, Zip Code: Telephone: Email Address: ATLAS Number: Lawyer222s Bar Number: Representing Self, without a Lawyer or Attorney for Petitioner OR Respondent SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA IN MARICOPA COUNTY Case Number: . DECREE OF LEGAL SEPARATION Petitioner / Party A (Without Minor Children) Respondent / Party B THE COURT FINDS: 1. This case has come before this Court for a final Decree of Legal Separation. The Court has taken all testimony needed to enter a final Decree, or has determined testimony is not needed to enter the final Decree. 2. This Court has jurisdiction over the parties under the law, and the provisions of the Decree are fair and reasonable under the circumstances. 3. The Court finds: (a) At the time this action was filed, one of the parties lived in Arizona, or had lived in Arizona while a member of the United States Armed Forces. (b) The provisions of A.R.S. 247 25-381.09 relating to Conciliation Court either do not apply or have been met. (c) The marriage is irretrievably broken or one or both parties desire to live separate and apart (d) The other party does not object to the decree of legal separation. (e) Where it has the legal power to do so and where it is applicable to the facts of this case, this Court has considered, approved, and made orders relating to the issue of spousal maintenance, and the division of property and/or debts. FOR CLERK222S USE ONLY American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 2 of 8 DRLSA81f 010119 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Use current version (f) The parties did not acquire any community property or debts during the marriage; OR There IS an agreement as to division of community property and debt; all community property and debt is divided pursuant to this Decree. There is NO agreement as to division of property and/or debt, but all community property and/or debt is divided pursuant to this Decree. (g) No party is pregnant; OR One party is pregnant, and the other party IS NOT the father of the child. (h) Party A, OR Party B Lacks enough property, including property given to him or her as part of this legal separation, to provide for his or her reasonable needs, and is unable to support himself or herself, or lacks earning ability necessary to support himself or herself, or made a significant financial or other contribution to the education, training, vocational skills, career, or earning ability of the other spouse, or, or had a marriage that lasted a long time and is of an age which may limit the possibility of getting a job in order to be self-sufficient, or has significantly reduced that spouse222s income or career opportunities for the benefit of the other spouse. THE COURT ORDERS: 1. THE PARTIES ARE LEGALLY SEPARATED. 2. ENFORCEMENT OF TEMPORARY ORDERS: All obligations ordered to be paid by the parties in Temporary Orders dated (fill in dates of ALL temporary orders here) shall be satisfied in full or judgment is awarded against the party with the obligation up to the amount due and owing as of the date of this Decree, together with the highest legal interest allowed by law. 3. SPOUSAL MAINTENANCE/SUPPORT (ALIMONY): (a) Neither party shall pay spousal maintenance/(alimony) to the other party; OR (b) Party A, OR Party B Is ordered to pay Party B, OR Party A the sum of $ per month spousal maintenance BEGINNING THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH after this Decree is signed. Each payment shall be made by the first day of each month thereafter and shall continue until the receiving party is deceased or until (date). All payments shall be made through the Support Payment Clearinghouse by automatic Income Withholding Order, until all required payments have been made under this Decree. All spousal maintenance payments are governed by the applicable federal and state tax laws. It shall terminate upon the death of either party or remarriage of receiving party. American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 3 of 8 DRLSA81f 010119 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Use current version 4. PROPERTY AND DEBT: (a) Party A is ordered to pay all debts unknown to Party B. (b) Party B is ordered to pay all debts unknown to Party A. (c) Each party is ordered to pay his or her debts which he or she incurred since the date of the parties' separation, (date). (d) Other orders and relief relating to community property or debts are contained in Exhibit A relating to the division of community property and debts, which is attached and incorporated into and made a part of this Decree. (e) Each party is assigned his or her separate property as contained in Exhibit A relating to the separate property and debts, which is attached and incorporated and made a part of this Decree. (f) This Decree can be used as a transfer of title and can be recorded. Parties shall sign all documents necessary to complete all transfer of titles ordered in this Decree, such as motor vehicles, houses, and bank accounts. The parties shall transfer all real and personal property as described in Exhibit A to the other party on or before by 5:00 p.m. If the party required to transfer the property has not transferred the property to the other party entitled to receive the property on or before the date and time listed above, the party entitled to receive the property is entitled upon application to a Writ of Assistance or Writ of Execution to be issued by the Clerk of Superior Court commanding the sheriff to put him or her in possession of the property. (g) For previous calendar years, the parties shall file joint federal and state income tax returns and hold the other harmless from additional income taxes, if any, and other costs, and each shall share equally in any refunds, OR separate federal and state income tax returns. AND This calendar year and continuing thereafter, joint federal and state income tax returns and hold the other harmless from half of all additional income taxes and other costs, if any, and each shall share equally in any refunds, if any, OR separate federal and state income tax returns. AND Each party shall give the other party all necessary documentation to file all tax returns. American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 4 of 8 DRLSA81f 010119 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Use current version 5. LIMITATION ON JURISDICTION: This Court cannot make a legal order, without personal service on Party B, with respect to issues of community property and debt or spousal maintenance. 6. OTHER ORDERS: (Leave blank for Judicial Officer) 7. FINAL APPEALABLE ORDER. Pursuant to Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure, Rule 78, this final judgment/decree is settled, approved and signed by the Court and shall be entered by the clerk. DONE IN OPEN COURT this day of , . JUDGE OR COURT COMMISSIONER If this Decree/Judgment was issued as a 223Default,224 I certify that within three (3) days of receiving this Decree/Judgment, I will mail a copy of this Decree/Judgment to the last known address of the party in default as follows: Party B 222s Name: Mailing Address: City, State Zip Code: By: ( Party A 222s Name) Date: American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 5 of 8 DRLSA81f 010119 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Use current version EXHIBIT A: PROPERTY AND DEBTS 1. DIVISION OF COMMUNITY PROPERTY: Award each party the personal property in his or her possession, or The following community property is awarded to each party as follows: 2. LIST OF COMMUNITY PROPERTY. Be specific AWARD TO: Party A Party B Household furniture/furnishings Appliances DVD/DVR/VCR (be specific) TV Personal Computer Stereo State Income Tax Refund Federal Income Tax Refund Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Cash, bonds of $ Other: Other: Other: Other: Continued on attached list. American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 6 of 8 DRLSA81f 01