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251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 1 of 8 DRP81f ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Person Filing: Address (if not protected): City, State, Zip Code: Telephone: Email Address: ATLAS Number: Representing Self, without a Lawyer or Attorney for Petitioner OR Respondent SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZON A IN MARICOPA COUNTY Case Number: JUDGEMENT AND ORDER FOR PATERNITY and (check box if applicable) LEGAL DECISION - MAKING ( LEGAL CUSTODY) PARENTING TIME CHILD SUPPORT VITAL RECORDS ( Check this box if the Department of Vital Records is ordered to change the birth records of a child born in Arizona .) Petitioner / Party A Respondent / Party B THE COURT FINDS : 1. This case has come before the Court for a final Order. If necessary, the Court has taken any testimony needed to enter a final Order. 2. This Court has jurisdiction over the parties under the law. 3. Where it has the legal power to do so and where it is applicable to the facts of this case, this Court has considered, approved, and made an Order relating to paternity, legal decision - making ( legal custody ) , support, parenting time, and expenses related to birth of the minor child(r en). 4 . Party A and Party B are the natural parents of the minor child(ren) listed below and named on birth certificates as: - if any.) USE ONLY First Middle Last (a) (b) (c) (d) American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 2 of 8 DRP81f ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 5 . INFORMA TION ABOUT THE LEGAL PARENTS: A. Information about the Mother: The is : as listed on above - or her current legal name Previous Legal Name (s) (if any): B. Information about the Father: The is : as listed on his birth certificate, or his current legal name Previous Legal Name(s) (if any): Date of Birth: (Month/Date/Year) Place of Birth: (City, State, Nation of Birth) 6 . PARENT INFORMATION PROGRAM. A. Party A has attended the Parent Information Program as evidenced by the Certificate of Completion in the Court file, OR Party A has NOT attended the Parent Information Program and shall be denied any requested relief to enforce or modify this Order until Party A has completed the class. B. Party B has attended the Parent Informatio n Program as evidenced by the Certificate of Completion in the Court file, OR Party B has NOT attended the Parent Information Program and shall be denied any requested relief to enforce or modify this Order until Party B has completed the class. W ho were born on this date and at this place: ( List in same order as above) Month/ Day /Year City, State, and Nation of Birth (a) (b) (c) (d) Same information for additional children listed on attached page made part of this document by reference American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 3 of 8 DRP81f ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 7 . CHILD SUPPORT: The Court finds that Party A and Party B owe a duty to Support the child(ren) listed above. The required financial factors and any discretionary adjustment pursuant to the Arizon Support are attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 8 . DEVIATION FROM CHILD SUPPORT. The Court, having considered the best interests of the child(ren), deviates from the guidelines for the following reasons: Application of the guidelines is inappropriate. Application of the guidelines is unjust. The parties have signed a written agreement with kn owledge of the amount of support that would have been ordered by the guidelines if there was no agreement. THE COURT MAKES THE FOLLOWING FINDING REGARDING THE DEVIATION: The child support order would have been: $ The child support order after deviation is: $ All parties have signed the agreement free of duress and coercion. 9 . PHYSICAL CUSTODY AD JUSTMENT, COURT APPROVED DISCRETIONARY PARENTING TIME ADJUSTMENT AND/OR OTHER ADJUSTMENTS. (THE COURT MUST MAKE WRITTEN FINDINGS IF ANY OF THESE ADJUSTMENTS ARE MADE.) The court finds that the person responsible for paying child support has the ability to pay child support: In the amount entered on Line 33 of the Worksheet for $ In an adjusted amount calculated using the self - support reserve on line 35 of the Worksheet for $ American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 4 of 8 DRP81f 0 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THE COURT FURTHER FINDS: 1 0 . DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: YOU MAY 11 NO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND THIS IS A N UNCONTESTED COURT ACTION (meaning no response was filed ). You must 11 if : (a) legal decision - making ( legal custody) is contested , or (b) there has been domestic violence between t he parties and legal decision - making ( legal custody) is to be awarded to or shared with a party who has committed domestic violence . A. Domestic Violence has OR has not occurred between the parties ; B. Domestic Violence has occurred between the parties, but : 1. i t was mutual ( committed by both parties ) , (see A.R.S. 247 25 - 43.03(D)) or 2. it is otherwise still in the best interests of th e minor child(ren) to grant joint or sole legal decision - making (joint or sole legal custody) to a party who has committed domestic violence because: (EXPLAIN) 1 1 . SUPERVISED OR NO PARENTING TIME : (Check and complete only if supervised or no parenting time is ordered.) NO Parenting Time or Supervised Parenting Time with Party A Party B , is in the best interests of t he minor child(ren), for the following reasons: 1 2 . DRUG or ALCOHOL CONVICTION WITHIN LAST TWELVE MONTHS : (Check box if applicable). Party A and/or Par ty B has been convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or was convicted of any drug offense within 12 months of filing the request for legal decision - making ( legal custody) , however the legal decision - making ( legal custody) and/o r parenting time arrangement ordered by this Court appropriately protects the minor child(ren). American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 5 of 8 DRP81f 0 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THE COURT ORDERS: 1. PATERNITY: (Name of father as on his birth certificate or his current legal name ) is the natural father of the minor child(ren). FOR ANY CHILDREN BOR N IN THE STATE OF TH E ARIZONA, THE CLERK OF COURT SHALL FORWARD A COPY OF THIS ORDER TO TH E OFFICE OF VITAL RE CO RDS, WHICH IS ORDERED TO AMEND THE BIRTH CERT IFICATE(S) AS FOLLOW S: 2. 3. ll be changed to: 4. PRIMARY RESIDENCE, PARENTING TIME, and LEGAL DECISION - MAKING ( Legal Custody) A. PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL PARENT: NEITHER home is designated as the primary residence, OR Party A the primary residence for following named child(ren): Party B the primary residence for following named child(ren): B. PARENTING TIME: Reasonable par enting time rights as described in the Parenting Plan attached as Exhibit A and made a part of this decree, OR NO PARENTING TIME RIGHTS to Party A OR Party B , OR SUPERVISED PARENTING TIME to Party A OR Party B according to the terms of the Parenting Plan attached as Exhibit A and made part of this Decree. Parenting time may only take place in the presence of another pe rson, named below or otherwise approved by the court. (IF supervised) Name of person to supervise (Optional): The cost of supervised parenting time shall be paid by the: P arty A , Party B , OR Shared equally by the parties THE COURT FURTHER ORDERS these r estrictions on parenting time (if applicable): American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 6 of 8 DRP81f 0 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED C. LEGAL DECISION - MAKING ( Legal Custody) : Award legal decision - making concerning the child(ren) (custody) as follows: SOLE LEGAL DECISION - MAKING (sole legal custody) to : Party A Party B OR JOINT LEGAL DECISION - MAKING (joint legal custody) to BOTH PARENTS. Both parties will ag ree to act as joint legal decision - makers of the minor children, as set forth in the Joint Legal Decision - Making Agreement contained in the Parenting Plan , to be agreed upon and signed by both parties if the Court adopts the terms of the Agreement . There have been no significant acts of domestic violence,