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Person Filing: Address (if not protected): City, State, Zip Code: Telephone: Email Address: Lawyer's Bar Number: Licensed Fiduciary Number: ____________________________________ Representing Self, without a Lawyer or Attorney for Petitioner OR FOR CLERK'S USE ONLY Respondent SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA IN MARICOPA COUNTY In the Matter of Guardianship and Conservatorship of: Case Number PB: PETITION FOR PERMANENT APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN AND CONSERVATOR FOR A MINOR A Minor A.R.S. § 14-5201, § 14-5401 UNDER OATH OR BY AFFIRMATION INFORMATION REQUIRED BY ARIZONA LAW (A.R.S. § 14-5401) 1. INFORMATION ABOUT THE PETITIONER (the person filing this petition) (My) Name: Address: Telephone: Date of Birth: My interest in or relationship to the person(s) to be protected is: (examples: mother, father, sister, brother, grandparent, legal guardian) 2. INFORMATION ABOUT THE MINOR(S) TO BE PROTECTED (also known as the "proposed protected Minor", "the Ward" or "the proposed Ward"). Name: Address: Telephone: Name: Address: Telephone: Name: Address: Telephone: is married Date of Birth: is married Date of Birth: is married Date of Birth: Continues on attachment titled "Additional Minors to be Protected", made part of this document by reference. © Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County ALL RIGHTS RESERVED APE PBGCM11f - 082316 Page 1 of 6 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. __________________ 3. INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROPOSED GUARDIAN-CONSERVATOR: (Complete this only if the proposed guardian-conservator is not the same person as the Petitioner.) Name: Address: Telephone: Relationship to the proposed Ward(s): Date of Birth: (examples: mother, father, sister, brother, grandparent, legal guardian) A. The proposed guardian-conservator has priority for appointment as a CONSERVATOR under Arizona law A.R.S. § 14-5410, because he or she is: (Already) An appointed conservator, guardian or other similar fiduciary appointed or recognized by the appropriate court of any other jurisdiction in which the person to be protected resides. An individual or corporation nominated by the protected person if the protected person is at least fourteen years of age and has, in the opinion of the court, sufficient mental capacity to make an intelligent choice. The spouse of the protected minor. A person nominated by the will of a deceased parent. Any non-parent relative of the protected person with whom the protected minor has resided for more than six months before the filing of the petition. A person nominated by someone who is caring for or paying benefits to the protected minor. A fiduciary who is licensed pursuant to Arizona law A.R.S. § 14-5651, other than a public fiduciary. A public fiduciary who is licensed pursuant to Arizona law A.R.S. § 14-5651. OTHER. Explain: B. The proposed guardian-conservator qualifies for appointment as a GUARDIAN under Arizona law, A.R.S. §14-5202 (and sections that follow) because: (Check all that apply) Proposed appointee was selected by the WILL of a deceased parent. Proposed appointee was selected by the Minor who is 14 or more years of age. Proposed appointee is a relative of the Minor and has had care and custody of the Minor for at least six (6) months prior to filing this Petition. Proposed appointee was chosen to be the guardian by someone who is caring for the Minor or is paying benefits for the Minor. Proposed appointee is a public fiduciary, a professional guardian, conservator, or the Arizona Veterans' Service Commission. The proposed appointee is not related by blood to the Minor and the person will submit a full set of fingerprints to the court required by A.R.S. § 14-5206 within five (5) days of filing this Petition. © Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County ALL RIGHTS RESERVED APE Page 2 of 6 PBGCM11f - 082316 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. __________________ 4. REASONS FOR CONSERVATORSHIP: A Conservator is needed because the Minor(s): (Check all that apply): Owns money or property that requires management or protection which cannot otherwise be provided; May have business affairs which may be jeopardized or prevented by his or her minority; Needs funds for his or her support and education, and protection is necessary or desirable to obtain or provide funds. 5. ASSETS OF THE MINOR(s) TO BE PROTECTED: (Check one box) There are currently no substantial assets or income belonging to the proposed ward(s), but appointment is necessary to protect expected or potential income or assets. OR The proposed ward(s) has/have assets and/or annual income in the approximate amount of $ List/Describe: 6. REASONS FOR GUARDIANSHIP: The appointment of a guardian for the Minor is necessary or desirable to provide continuing care and supervision of the Minor, and is in the best interests of the minor because: 7. PARENTAL RIGHTS. All parental rights of custody regarding the Minor have been terminated or suspended by: Written consent of the parent(s) to the guardianship. Prior court order. (You must provide the court with a certified copy of the order.) Abandonment of the Minor for at least six (6) months prior to the filing of this Petition. Other circumstances. Explain: 8. DISABILITY OR INCAPACITATION. Is the Minor (or any proposed protected Minor) disabled or incapacitated to the extent that he or she will continue to need a guardian or conservator AFTER reaching the age of 18? NO. No proposed protected minor will need a guardian or conservator after the age of 18. YES. At least one proposed protected minor WILL need a guardian or conservator after the age of 18. If "yes", and protection is proposed for more than one Minor in this petition, the names of those who will continue to need a guardian or conservator after the age of 18 are: © Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County ALL RIGHTS RESERVED APE Page 3 of 6 PBGCM11f - 082316 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. __________________ 9. INFORMATION ABOUT OTHER CONSERVATOR OR GUARDIAN): To the best of my knowledge: (Check one box.) No Guardian or Conservator has been appointed in any other court, and no court proceedings are pending for such appointment; OR Someone has been appointed Guardian or Conservator, or court proceedings are pending. (If "yes", provide details below.) Name: Address: Telephone: Date of Birth: Relationship to the person to be protected is: Was appointed GUARDIAN CONSERVATOR for the ward named in #2 above in: Name of Court: City and State: Date Appo