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Petition To Modify Support Order (Standard Procedure) Child Support Or Spousal Maintenance Or Support Form. This is a Arizona form and can be use in Maricopa Local County.
Tags: Petition To Modify Support Order (Standard Procedure) Child Support Or Spousal Maintenance Or Support, DRMSP11f, Arizona Local County, Maricopa
251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 1 of 4 DRMSP11f 010119 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PMO Person Filing: (A) Address (if not protected): City, State, Zip Code: Telephone: Email Address: ATLAS Number: Representing Self, without a Lawyer or Attorney for Petitioner OR Respondent SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA IN MARICOPA COUNTY (B) Case Number (C) Name of Petitioner / Party A (in original case) PETITION TO MODIFY A SUPPORT ORDER AND (Standard procedure) Spousal Maintenance (D) (B) Spousal Maintenance & Child Name of Respondent / Party B (in original case) Support 1. INFORMATION ABOUT THE PETITIONER / Party A: Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: County where the Petitioner lives: Date of Birth: Job Title: 2. INFORMATION ABOUT THE RESPONDENT / Party B: Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: County where the Respondent lives: Date of Birth: Job Title: American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 2 of 4 DRMSP11f 010119 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PMO 3. INFORMATION ABOUT THE CURRENT SUPPORT ORDER : (the Order I want to CHANGE) The Order was issued on: (Month/Day/Year) The Order was issued by: (Name of Court) Located in this County: Name of Person ordered to pay: Total Current Amount Ordered Paid: $ PER The current total court - ordered support payment listed above consists of: Child Support $ per Spousal Maintenance/Support $ per Other (i.e. Clearinghouse fee): $ per Payments in Arrears: $ per The order I wish to change is on page , section/paragraph of the Order identified above. The Order is either in the official file of this Court or attached. You must attach to this Petition a copy of the Child Support Worksheet for the Order you want to change, if available. 4. INFORMATION ABOUT OTHER COURT CASES TO ENFORCE OR CHANGE THIS COURT ORDER: No other cases are pending in any court for modification of this court order. (This must be a true statement for this Court to hear your request.) Neither party has previously filed to enforce or modify this court order. One or both parties has filed for enforcement or modification of this court order in the past. Information about the case(s) is below. Use additional paper if necessary. es-PE Names of Parties: Date of order, judgment, decree: Explain what order or judgment said: American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 3 of 4 DRMSP11f 010119 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PMO Court Case Number: Location of court (city and county): Explain Type of Case: (emergency legal decision making or physical custody, visitation, etc.) 5. WHAT SPOUSAL MAINTENANCE SHOULD BE. Spousal maintenance amount should be $ per month beginning and continuing until and subject to change as ordered by the court. (You cannot ask for a change in spousal maintenance / support if you signed an agreement that says that spousal maintenance/ support cannot be changed or modified.) 6. SPOUSAL MAINTENANCE SHOULD BE INCREASED OR DECREASED or I AM ENTITLED TO HAVE THE SPOUSAL MAINTENANCE PAYMENTS STOP OR CONTINUE BECAUSE: CHILD SUPPORT: Answer Items 7, 8, and 9 ONLY if you are also asking for a change in child support. 7. WHAT CHILD SUPPORT SHOULD BE: Attached is a Child Support Worksheet. According to the Worksheet calculations, the child support amount should be $ per month. American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 4 of 4 DRMSP11f 010119 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PMO 8. I AM ENTITLED TO HAVE CHILD SUPPORT CHANGED BECAUSE: 9. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY. Is DES providing Child Support Enforcement Services to at least one of the parties? Yes (If yes, see instructions.) No Unknown. UNDER OATH OR BY AFFIRMATION I swear or affirm that the information on this document is true and correct under penalty of perjury. Date Signature STATE OF COUNTY OF Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me this: by (date) . (notary seal) Deputy Clerk or Notary Public American LegalNet, Inc.