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Response To Petition For Order For Grandparent Visitation Form. This is a Arizona form and can be use in Maricopa Local County.
Tags: Response To Petition For Order For Grandparent Visitation, DRGV31f, Arizona Local County, Maricopa
Person Filing: Address (if not protected): City, State, Zip Code: Telephone: Email Address: ATLAS Number: Lawyer222s Bar Number: Representing Self, without a Lawyer or Attorney for Petitioner OR Respondent SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA IN MARICOPA COUNTY In the Matter of : Case Number ATLAS No. Name of Grandparent Requesting Visitation RESPONSE TO PETITION FOR GRANDPARENT VISITATION A. R. S. 247 25-409 Name of Other Grandparent Requesting Visitation, if applicable There is a prior Family Department case in this county between the legal parents of the minor children with the following (different) case number: . Name of Party A DECEASED Name of Party B DECEASED Name of Legal Guardian, if applicable GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Information about me, the person filing this response: Name: Address: County of residence: Date of Birth: Occupation: For Clerk222s Use Only 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County DRGV31f 226 030518 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 1 of 9 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. My relationship to child(ren) for whom the visitation order is requested : (explain) 2. Information about the grandparents (or great grandparents) requesting visitation: Name(s): Address: County of residence: Date of Birth: Occupation: Relationship to children for whom VISITATION order is requested: (Check one) Grandparent on Party A222s side Grandparent on Party B222s side Great Grandparent on Party A222s side Great Grandparent on Party B222s side 3. Information about the Party A same as #1 above, or: Name: Address: County of residence: Date of Birth: Occupation: Party A222s relationship to children for whom visitation order is requested: 4. Information about the Party B same as #1 above, or: Name: Address: County of residence Date of Birth: Occupation: Party B222s relationship to children for whom visitation order is requested: 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County DRGV31f 226 030518 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 2 of 9 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 5. Information about legal guardians of child(ren), if any: same as #1 above, or: Name: Address: County of residence: Date of Birth: Occupation: 6. Information about child(ren) listed in the Petition for Grandparent Visitation: Party A and Party B are the legal parents for all children listed below. Name Name Birth Date : Birth Date : Current Address : Current Address : County of Residence : County of Residence : Name Name Birth Date: Birth Date: Current Address: Current Address: County of Residence: County of Residence: INFORMATION ABOUT ADDITIONAL CHILDREN ARE LISTED ON ATTACHED PAGE. 7. Grandparent(s) do not have a right to visitation under Arizona law (A.R.S. 247 25-409) because: (Check box(es) for statements that apply and write-in requested information.) A. Children were not born out of wedlock. B. Parents of children are not divorced or have not been divorced for at least 3 months. If divorced: Date of Divorce: Court case number: Name of court: Court Location: 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County DRGV31f 226 030518 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 3 of 9 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. C. Party A OR Party B has been dead for less than 3 months. Date of Death: D. Party A OR Party B has been missing for less than 3 months. Date parent discovered to be missing: Date reported to law enforcement agency: Name, location of agency: E. The grandparents or great grandparents asking for visitation rights are doing so as the paternal grandparents or great grandparents, however there is no paternity order and I do not believe the grandparent222s son or great grandparent222s grandson is the legal father of the minor child(ren) because: (explain) 8. Explain the Grandparent222s or Great Grandparent222s relationship with the children for the last 6 months, and why you think it is NOT in the children222s best interests for visitation to be ordered, or why, if ordered, visitation should be limited or supervised: 9. If visitation is ordered, it should be as set forth below. (be specific) There should be no court-ordered visitation, but if ordered, should be as follows: TRANSPORTATION will be provided by (name): as follows: (explain) During WEEKENDS (explain specifically) 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County DRGV31f 226 030518 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 4 of 9 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. During the SUMMER MONTHS OR SCHOOL BREAKS: (explain specifically) FOR HOLIDAYS AND BIRTHDAYS: (explain specifically) FOR TELEPHONE CALLS: (explain specifically) OTHER: (explain specifically) OTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE CHILDREN 10. Where the children who are under 18 years old have lived for the last 5 years. (Attach extra pages if necessary.) Child's Name Dates: From To Lived with Relationship to child Street address City, State Child's Name Dates: From To Lived with Relationship to child Street addres s City, State 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County DRGV31f 226 030518 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 5 of 9 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. Child's Name Dates: From To Lived with Relationship to child Street address City, State Child's Name Dates: From To Lived with Relationship to child Street address City, State 11. COURT CASES NOT INVOLVING LEGAL DECISION-MAKING, PHYSICAL CUSTODY, PARENTING TIME OR VISITATION RELATED TO THE CHILD(REN) UNDER 18 YEARS OLD: (check one box) I HAVE I HAVE NOT been a party or a witness in court in this state or in any other state NOT INVOLVING the legal decision-making, physical custody, parenting time or visitation of any of the children named above (If so, explain below, using extra pages if necessary. IF NOT, GO ON.) Name of each child: Court state Court location Court case number Current status How the child is involved: Summary of any Court Order: 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County DRGV31f 226 030518 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 6 of 9 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 12. LEGAL DECISION-MAKING, PHYSICAL CUSTODY, PARENTING TIME, OR VISITATION CASES RELATED TO CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS OLD: (check one box) I DO HAVE I DO NOT HAVE information about a legal decision-making, physical custody, parenting time or visitation court case relating to any of the children named above that is pending in this state or in any other state (If so, explain below, using extra pages if necessary. IF NOT, GO ON). Name of each child: Court state: Court location: Court case number: Current status: Nature of the court proceeding: Summary of any Court order: 13. LEGAL DECISION-MAKING, PHYSICAL CUSTODY, PARENTING TIME OR VISITATION CLAIMS OF ANY PERSON: (check one box) I DO KNOW I DO NOT KNOW a person other than Party A or Party B who has or claims legal decision-making authority, physical custody, parenting time or visitation rights to any of the children named above. (If so, explain below, using extra pages if necessary. IF NOT, GO ON). Name of each child: Name of person with the claim: Address of person with the claim: Nature of the claim: 14. SUMMARY OF WHAT I SAY ABOUT THE CHILDREN THAT IS DIFFERENT FROM WHAT THE GRANDPARENT(S) ASKED FOR: (Here summarize what is different between what you say about the child(ren), and what the grandparent(s) said) 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County DRGV31f 226 030518 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 7 of 9 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. OTHER STATEMENTS TO THE COURT 15. VENUE: This is the proper court to bring this lawsuit under Arizona law because it is the county of residence of the child(ren). OR This is NOT the proper court to bring this lawsuit under Arizona law because it is NOT the county of residence of the child(ren). 16. GENERAL DENIAL: I deny anything stated in the Petition that I have not specifically admitted, qualified, or denied. REQUESTS TO THE COURT: (check which number applies to your request) 1. ORDER VISITATION AS DESCRIBED ABOVE. 2. ORDER NO VISITATION TO THE GRANDPARENT PETITIONER(S). (Check and complete 2233224 below only if you believe visitation should be supervised.) 3. SUPERVISED VISITATION is in the best interests of the child(ren), pursuant to A.R.S. Section 25-409