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Response To Petition To Establish Legal Decision Making Custody Parenting Time Child Support Form. This is a Arizona form and can be use in Maricopa Local County.
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Tags: Response To Petition To Establish Legal Decision Making Custody Parenting Time Child Support, DRCV31f, Arizona Local County, Maricopa
251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 1 of 9 DRCV31f 010119 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Use current version Person Filing: Address (if not protected): City, State, Zip Code: Telephone: Email Address: ATLAS Number: Representing Self, without a Lawyer or Attorney for Petitioner OR Respondent SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA IN MARICOPA COUNTY Case Number: Name of Petitioner / Party A R ESP O N S E TO PE TITION TO ES T A BLI SH (C hec k on e bo x , dependin g o n w he t he r y o u nee d chil d suppo rt o r de r) LE G A L D E CI S I O N - M A KING ( CU S T O D Y ) , P A R E N T IN G T I M E , a n d CHI L D S U PP O R T , o r LE G A L D E CI S I O N - M A KING ( CU S T O D Y ) A ND P A R E N T ING T I M E (O N L Y ) Name of Respondent / Party B STATEMENTS TO THE COURT 1. INFORMATION ABOUT THE OTHER PARTY Name: Address: Date of Birth: Occupation: to the children listed in this Response: Mother Father 2. INFORMATION ABOUT ME Name: Address: Date of Birth: Occupation: MY relationship to the children listed in this Response: Mother Father Other. My relationship to the children is: American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 2 of 9 DRCV31f 010119 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Use current version 3. VENUE: This is the proper court to bring this lawsuit under Arizona law because it is the county of residence of Party A, and/or Party B, and/or the minor child(ren), OR This is NOT the proper court to bring this lawsuit under Arizona law because it is not the county of residence of Party A, Party B, or the minor child(ren). 4. INFORMATION ABOUT MINOR CHILDREN is contained in the Petition and incorporated by reference. Summary of what I say about the MINOR CHILDREN that is different from what the other Party stated in the Petition: 5. STATEMENTS ABOUT PATERNITY AND CHILD SUPPORT A. PATERNITY HAS NOT been established. B. PATERNITY WAS ESTABLISHED BY: (check one box). (A copy of any Order or document referenced here should already be in the Court file or attached.) A Court Order for Paternity from this county or previously transferred to this county stating that is the natural father of the minor child(ren) included in this Petition. (A.R.S. 247 25-502(c)) Both parents signing an Acknowledgment of Paternity through the Hospital Paternity Program or other means provided by law after July 18, 1996, and a birth certificate listing the name of the father was issued as a result. We do not have an order of paternity, but we do have a child support order. (See instructions) Parties were legally married when minor child(ren) was (were) born, conceived or adopted.* Summary of what I say about PATERNITY that is different from what the other Party stated in the Petition: American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 3 of 9 DRCV31f 010119 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Use current version *NOTE: If married when minor child(ren) born, conceived or adopted, and no decree of Divorce or Separation has been issued, STOP! Do not use these forms unless advised to do so by an attorney. Requests for legal decision-making authority (custody) and parenting time for married persons must generally be filed as part of a case for Legal Separation or Divorce. C. INFORMATION ABOUT CHILD SUPPORT FOR MINOR CHILDREN: (check one box) There is an order for Child Support, dated from (name of court) . This order needs does not need to be changed. There is a pending child support petition or modification currently filed in this Court or a different court. (If you checked this box, complete the following.) Name and Location of Court: Nature of the Case: Status of Case: To my knowledge there is no child support order for the minor child(ren) and the court should order child support in this case along with legal decision-making (custody), and parenting time. Party A Party B made voluntary/direct support payments that need to be taken into account, if past support is requested. Party A Party B owes past support for the period between: the date this petition was filed and date current child support is ordered. OR the date the parties started living apart, but not more than three years before the date this petition was filed, and date current child support is ordered. 6. COURT CASES NOT INVOLVING LEGAL DECISION-MAKING (LEGAL CUSTODY) OR PARENTING TIME RELATED TO THE CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS OLD: (Check one box.) I HAVE I HAVE NOT been a party or a witness in court in this state or in any other state regarding any matter OTHER THAN the legal decision-making (legal custody) or parenting time of any of the minor children named above (If so, explai n below, using extra pages if necessary. IF NOT, GO ON.) Name of each child: Court State: Court Location: Court Case Number: Current Status: American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 4 of 9 DRCV31f 010119 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Use current version How the Child is involved: Summary of any Court Order: 7. LEGAL DECISION-MAKING (LEGAL CUSTODY) OR PARENTING TIME CASES RELATED TO CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS OLD: (check one box) I DO NOT HAVE I DO HAVE information about a legal decision-making (legal custody) or parenting time court case relating to any of the minor children named above that is pending in this state or in any other state (If so, explain below, using extra pages if necessary. IF NOT, GO ON). Name of each minor child: Court State: Court Location: Court Case Number: Current Status: Nature of Court proceeding: Summary of any Court Order: 8. LEGAL DECISION-MAKING (LEGAL CUSTODY) OR PARENTING TIME CLAIMS OF ANY PERSON: (Check one box) I DO NOT KNOW I DO KNOW a person other than Party A or Party B who has physical custody or who claims legal decision-making (legal custody) or parenting time rights to any of the minor children named above. (If so, explain below, using extra pages if necessary. IF NOT, GO TO #9). Names of each child minor claimed: Name of person with the Claim: Address of person with the Claim: Nature of the Claim: Additional claims of legal decision-making (legal custody) or parenting time stated on the attached page. American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County Page 5 of 9 DRCV31f 010119 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Use current version OTHER STATEMENTS TO THE COURT: 9. OTHER EXPENSES: The parties should be ordered to divide between them any uninsured medical, dental, or health expenses, reasonably incurred for the minor child(ren), in proportion to their respective incomes. 10. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: (If you intend to ask for joint legal decision-making (joint legal custody), there must have been no significant domestic violence between the parties or you must provide specific reasons the court should find joint authority is in the best interests of the minor(s) despite the domestic violence. (A.R.S. 247 25-403.03). (Check the box to make a true statement below.) There has been domestic violence in this relationship and neither joint nor sole legal decision-making (custody) should be awarded to the petitioner respondent who committed the violence. Domestic violence has not occurred in this relationship; or There has been domestic violence between the parties but it was committed by both parties or it is otherwise still in the best interests of the minor child(ren) to grant joint or sole legal decision-making (joint or sole legal custody) to a parent who has committed domestic violence because: (Explain) Summary of what I say about DOMESTIC VIOLENCE that is different from what the other Party said in the Petition. 11. DRUG / ALCOHOL CONVICTION WITHIN LAST TWELVE MONTHS. (If you intend to ask for joint legal decision-making (joint legal custody), check one box.) Neither party has been convicted for a drug offense or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol in the last twelve (12) months, One or both parties have been convicted for a drug offense or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol in the last twelve (12) months. Party A was convicted. Party B was convicted. American LegalNet, Inc. Case