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FOR CLERK'S USE ONLY Name of Person Filing: ____________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________ City, State, Zip Code: ____________________________________ Daytime Phone Number: ____________________________________ Evening Phone Number: ____________________________________ ATLAS Number (if applicable):____________________________________ Attorney Bar Number (if applicable):_______________________________ Representing Self Petitioner Respondent SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA MOHAVE COUNTY Case No:____________________________ Name of Petitioner AND Name of Respondent RESPONSE TO PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF A NON-COVENANT MARRIAGE (DIVORCE) WITH CHILDREN STATEMENTS TO THE COURT, UNDER OATH: NOTE: (*Social Security Number can be omitted if using Confidential Sensitive Data Form) 1. INFORMATION ABOUT MY SPOUSE, THE PETITIONER Name: Address: Date of Birth________________________ Social Security # ____________________(*Can be omitted if using the Confidential Sensitive Data Form) Job Title: Starting with today number of months/years in a row the Petitioner has lived in Arizona: 2. INFORMATION ABOUT ME, THE RESPONDENT Name: Address: Date of Birth_______________________ Social Security # ___________________(*Can be omitted if using the Confidential Sensitive Data Form) Job Title: Starting with today number of months/years in a row the Respondent has lived in Arizona: 3. INFORMATION ABOUT MY MARRIAGE: Date of Marriage: City and state or country where we were married: We do not have a covenant marriage. We do have a covenant marriage. (WARNING: If this statement is true, the petitioner cannot proceed. You should file a motion to dismiss, and then petition the court for a Dissolution of a Covenant Marriage.) Please attach a copy of your marriage license to show what kind of marriage you have. Revised: 1/1/2013 Page 1 of 8 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No.____________________________ 4. 90 DAY REQUIREMENT: I or my spouse have lived, or have been stationed while a member of the Armed Forces, in Arizona for at least 90 days before I filed this action. (WARNING: If this statement is not true, the petitioner cannot proceed. You should file a motion to dismiss. You or the petitioner can then re-file the divorce papers when the statement is true.) 5. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: (Check the box to indicate whether or not domestic violence has occurred, If you intend to ask for joint legal decision making): Domestic violence has not occurred during this marriage or Domestic violence has occurred, but the domestic violence has not been significant. CHILDREN OF THE PARTIES WHO ARE LESS THAN 18 YEARS OLD (check one box): There are no children common to the parties, under the age of 18, either born to or adopted by, the parties. NOTE: IF YOU CHECKED THIS BOX, STOP. YOU SHOULD BE USING THE RESPONSE PACKET TO GET A DIVORCE WITHOUT CHILDREN. The following child(ren), common to the parties, are under age 18 and were born to, or adopted by, my spouse and me: (Attach extra pages if necessary). Child's Name Birth Date:___________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________ Social Security #___________________(*Can be omitted if using the Confidential Sensitive Data Form) Length of Time at Address:_____________________ Child's Name Birth Date:___________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________ Social Security #___________________(*Can be omitted if using the Confidential Sensitive Data Form) Length of Time at Address:_____________________ Child's Name Birth Date:____________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________ Social Security #___________________(*Can be omitted if using the Confidential Sensitive Data Form) Length of Time at Address:_____________________ Child's Name Birth Date:____________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________ Social Security #___________________(*Can be omitted if using the Confidential Sensitive Data Form) Length of Time at Address:_____________________ 6. 7. PREGNANCY Wife is not pregnant, OR Wife is pregnant The baby is due on (date), (and, check one box below): The Petitioner and Respondent are the parents of the child, OR Petitioner is not the parent of the child, OR. Respondent is not the parent of the child. 8. SUMMARY OF WHAT I WANT CONCERNING OUR CHILD(REN) THAT IS DIFFERENT FROM WHAT MY SPOUSE ASKED FOR IN THE PETITION and AFFIDAVIT OF MINOR CHILDREN. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Revised: 1/1/2013 Page 2 of 8 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No.____________________________ 9.a. COMMUNITY PROPERTY: (check one box) My spouse and I did not acquire any community property during the marriage, OR My spouse and I did acquire community property during our marriage, and we should divide it as follows: Petitioner Respondent Value Real estate located at: $ Legal Description: Real estate located at: Legal Description: Petitioner Respondent Value $ Household furniture and appliances: Petitioner Respondent Value $ $ $ $ $ Value $ $ $ $ $ Value $ $ $ $ Household furnishings: Petitioner Respondent Other items: Petitioner Respondent Pension/retirement fund/profit sharing/stock plan/401K: Petitioner Respondent Value $ $ Value $ Petitioner Motor vehicles: Make Model VIN Lien Holder Respondent Revised: 1/1/2013 Page 3 of 8 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No.____________________________ Petitioner Make Model VIN Lien Holder Respondent Value $ 9.b. SEPARATE PROPERTY. (Check all boxes that apply.) I do not have any property (separate property) that I brought into the marriage. My spouse, the Respondent does not have any property (separate property) that he/she brought into the marriage. I have property (separate property) that I brought into the marriage. I want this property awarded to me as described below. My spouse, the Respondent, has property (separate property) that he/she brought into the marriage. I want this property awarded to my spouse as described below. Separate Property: (List the property and the v