Petition For Approval Of Final Accounting
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Petition For Approval Of Final Accounting Form. This is a Arizona form and can be use in Pinal Local County.
Tags: Petition For Approval Of Final Accounting, Arizona Local County, Pinal
American LegalNet, Inc. Use only most current version Name of Person Filing Document: Your Address: Your City, State, Zip Code: Your Telephone Number: Attorney Bar Number (if applicable): Representing Self (Without a lawyer) or Attorney for SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA PINAL COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of )PB ) ) )PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF)FINAL ACCOUNTING ) an Adult a Minor, deceased STATE OF ARIZONA ) COUNTY OF PINAL ) ss. THE PETITIONER STATES UNDER OATH AS FOLLOWS: INSTRUCTIONS: For approval of accounting, put a check mark in boxes 1, 2 and complete number 1: 1. This is the final accounting for this estate, and this accounting covers the period from (date) to (date). 2. Attached is a correct statement of all financial dealings I had as Personal Representative of the Estate. The summary of all financial transactions are fully described, itemized, and summarized on the attached pages. I request that the Court enter an order approving this final accounting (Be sure to attach the accounting). Signature SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this day of , 20 , By My Commission Expires: Deputy Clerk/Notary Public