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ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION FOREIGN PROFIT OR NONPROFIT CORPORATION FILING CHECKLIST Cover Sheet Attach a completed cover sheet to the filing. Corporation Name Check name for availability. Using our web site Attach copy of Trade name Certificate, Assignment if applicable, or attach completed name attestation form. Attach resolution adopting fictitious name. Must be approved by the board of directors and signed by the secretary. Certificate of Disclosure Check Box A or B. If B, attach required information. Check part C, Yes or No. If yes, attach required information. Affix signature(s) of duly authorized officer (profit), president and secretary or vice president and assistant secretary (nonprofit). Must be dated within 30 days of delivery to the Commission. Application for Authority Indicate an original application for authority. Indicate exact corporation name. Use appropriate name ending such as: (corporation, association, company, limited, incorporated). Incorrect name ending, will delay approval of your Application. Indicate fictitious name adopted for use in Arizona, if the exact name is not available. Indicate the state, province or country in which the corporation is incorporated. Indicate the date of incorporation and the duration. Indicate the address of the principal office in the state, province or country of incorporation. Indicate the name and address of the statutory agent in Arizona. The statutory agent must provide both a physical and mailing address. If statutory agent has a P.O. Box, then they must also provide a physical description of their street address/location. Indicate the street address of the known place of business in Arizona. May be in care of the address of the statutory agent. Indicate the limitations of purpose if applicable. Indicate the name(s) and business address(es) of the current directors and officers. Indicate number of shares of stock corporation is authorized to issue. (Profit). Indicate the aggregate number of shares issued. (Profit). Briefly indicate the business the corporation plans to conduct. Indicate whether the corporation has or does not have memNonprofit onlybers ( )>>>> 2FOREIGN PROFIT OR NONPROFIT CORPORATION FILING CHECKLISTApplication for Authority (continued) Affix signature of statutory agent (acknowledge acceptance).Fees Attach check for filing fee. $175.00 Additional $35.00 for expedited services. Made Payable to the Arizona Corporation Commission. Execute check.Copies Attach a copy of the Articles of Incorporation, and any amendments to the Articles, duly authenticated (certified within 60 days) by the official having custody of the records in the state, province or country of incorporation. Attach a Certificate of Existence or Good Standing, authenticated within 60 days by the official having custody of the records in the state, province or country of incorporation.Publication You must publish a copy of your Application for Authority in a newspaper of general circulation in the county of the known place of business in Arizona, for three (3) consecutive publications. A list of acceptable newspapers in each county will accompany the approval letter and is posted on the Commission web site at Do not publish until documents have been approved. File Affidavit of Publication with the Arizona Corporation Commission.NOTES FOR THE FUTURE:Annual Report The corporation must submit an annual report each year. Annual report forms will arrive approximately two months prior to the corporations annual report due date as assigned by the commission. Should a form fail to arrive, contact the commissions web site: Failure to file the annual report may subject the corporation to administrative dissolution or revocation.Address Changes Must be submitted to the commission within 60 days of any corporate or statutory agent address change. Corporate address changes must be executed (signed) by a corporate officer. A statutory agent of record may resign by executing a statement of resignation and submitting a fee of $10.00. A new statutory agent must sign acceptance to replace an existing agent.Web Site A Corporation may view its records on the commissions web site: Statutes The corporation should refer to Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 10 for statute relating to corporations. The complete text of Title 10 is available on our web site at>>>> 3DO NOT PUBLISH APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITYTHIS SECTION TO TRANSACT BUSINESS 1. The corporate name IN ARIZONAmust contain a corporate ending which may be corporation, The name of the corporation is: __________________________________.association, A(n) _________________________________Corporationcompany, limited, (State, Province or Country) incorporated or an abbreviation of any of____ We are a foreign corporation applying for authority to transact business in the state of Arizona.these words. If you are the holder or assignee of a tradename or We are a foreign corporation currently authorized to transact business in Arizona and musttrademark, attach now file this Application for New Authority pursuant to A.R.S. 10-1504 because we haveDeclaration of changed the following in our domicile jurisdiction:Tradename Holder G Our actual corporate name (or the name under which we originally obtained authority inform. If your name is Arizona). not available for use in G The period of our duration. Arizona, you must adopt a fictitious name G The state, province or country of our incorporation.and provide a resolution adopting the 1. The exact name of the foreign corporation is:name, which must be executed by the .corporation Secretary. If the exact name of the foreign corporation is not available for use in this state, then the fictitious name adopted for use by the corporation in Arizona is: (FN). 2. The name of the state, province or country in which the foreign corporation is incorporated is: . 3. The foreign corporation was incorporated on the day of ,3. You must provide the total duration in and the period of its duration is: .years for which your corporation was 4. The street address of the principal office of the foreign corporation in the state, province orformed to endure. If perpetual succession, country of its incorporation is: so indicate in this section. Do not leave blank, or s