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Arizona Supreme Court Page 1 of 2 AOC CVGE17F-100518 (1) Person Filing: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip Code: Email Address: Telephone Number(s): Representing: [ ] Self [ ] Attorney [ ] Other State Bar No. (if applicable): (2) [ ] JUSTICE COURT , COUNTY OF (3) [ ] MUNICIPAL COURT , COUNTY OF (4) [ ] ARIZONA SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY OF (5) Petitioner/Plaintiff [ ] Judgment Creditor [ ] Judgment Debtor Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Email Address: Phone(s): (6) Respondent/Defendant [ ] Judgment Debtor [ ] Judgment Creditor Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Email Address: Phone(s): (7) Garnishee: Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Email Address: Phone(s): Attorney: (8) Case No.: PETITION FOR ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE REGARDING GARNISHEE222S DEFAULT (EARNINGS) American LegalNet, Inc. Case Number: (8) Arizona Supreme Court Page 2 of 2 AOC CVGE17F-100518 PETITION I am the judgment creditor or authorized agent of the judgment creditor in this action. I want the Court to order the garnishee to appear and show cause why judgment should not be entered against the garnishee in the full amount of judgment against the judgment debtor and why the garnishee should not pay costs of this Petition and attorney222s fees. This Petition is based on the following facts: 1. The Court issued a Writ of Garnishment to garnishee on (9) . 2. Garnishee was served on (10) and Garnishee222s Answer was due on (11) . 3. Garnishee222s Answer has not been filed with the Court or received by the judgment creditor. 4. Judgment debtor owes judgment creditor (12) $ . (13) Date Signature of Judgment Creditor or Authorized Agent American LegalNet, Inc.