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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS _____________________________ v. _____________________________ TRANSCRIPT REQUEST Case No. _________________ TO BE COMPLETED BY APPELLANT WITHIN 14 DAYS OF FILING OF NOTICE OF APPEAL (Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, Rule 10(b)(1)). A. Complete one of the following: () A transcript is not needed for the appeal. () A transcript is already on file. () Request is hereby made to the reporter for a transcript of the following proceedings (give particulars.) Note: voir dire and closing arguments not prepared unless specifically requested. I certify that financial arrangements have been made with the reporter. Payment is by: () Private funds. () Government expense (civil case.) A motion for transcript has been submitted to the judge. B. SIGNED ______________________ DATE _________ COUNSEL FOR _________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE _______________________________ American LegalNet, Inc.