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Filing Fee $50.00 Articles of Organization for Limited Liability Company (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY IN INK) The undersigned authorized manager or member or person forming this Limited Liability Company under the Small Business Entity Tax Pass Through Act, , adopts the following Articles of Organization of such Limited LiabilityCompany: Address of principal place of business of the Limited Liability Company (Which may be, but not need be, the placeof business) shall be: The name and address of the registered agent of this company shall be: (Name) (Physical Street Address) (City, State & Zip) 4.If the management of this company is vested in a manager or managers, a statement to that effect must beincluded in the space provided or by attachment: I understand that knowingly signing a false document with the intent to file with the Arkansas Secretary of State is a Class C misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine up to $100.00 and/or imprisonment up to 30 days. Executed this day of , . (Signature of person(s) forming the company) (Typed or printed name) (Signature of person(s) forming the company) (Typed or printed name) (Signature of person(s) forming the company) (Typed or printed name) 001027021n024030n030007r013027r031n027035025016007031n031r$'#$t 003n026020031025022037004020031031022r006025013021 The Name of the Limited Liability Company is : Must contain thewords "Limited Liability Company," "Limited Company," or the abbreviation "L.L.C.,""L.C.," "LLC," or "LC."The word "Limited" may be abbreviated as "Ltd.", and the "Company" may beCompanieswhich perform rofessionalerviceMUST additionally contain the words "Professional LL-01 Rev. American LegalNet, Inc. In order for this limited liability company to receive its annual franchise tax reporting form,please complete and file with the Office of the Secretary of State at the time of filing.Limited Liability Company name as used in ArkansasContact personStreet address or Post Office Box numberCity, State, ZIPTelephone numberE-mail addressNOTE: This tax is due on or before May 1 of the year following filing or qualification inthis state.Signature Title Please Type or Print Limited Liability Company Franchise Tax 001027021n024030n030007r013027r031n027035025016007031n031r$'#$t 003n026020031025022037004020031031022r006025013021 Rev. American LegalNet, Inc.