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CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION REGISTRATION PROCESS Step 1: File Articles of Incorporation Arkansas Secretary of State Business and Commercial Services 1401 West Capitol Avenue, Ste. 250 Victory Building Little Rock, AR 72201 501-682-3409TOLL FREE 888-233-0325Step 2: Apply for exempt status (Must have articles filed to complete Step 2) Internal Revenue Service TE/GE Division, Customer Service P.O. Box 2508 Cincinnati, OH 45201 877-829-5500Step 3: Register for solicitation purposes (annual renewal) (Must have IRS Tax Determination letter for Step 3) 001027021n024030n030007r013027r031n027035025016007031n031r$'#$t 003n026020031025022037004020031031022r006025013021 American LegalNet, Inc. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION DOMESTIC NONPROFIT (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY IN INK) We, the undersigned, acting as incorporators of a corporation under the ,adopt the following Articles of Incorporation of such corporation. 1.The name of the corporation: 2.This corporation is: (check one of the following) Public Benefit Corporation Mutual Benefit Corporation Religious Corporation 3.Will this corporation have members?Yes No 4.How will the assets be distributed upon dissolution? (Use additional pages if necessary) :5.Name Street Address Street Address Line 2 City, State Zip 6.Incorporator information: (Use additional pages if necessary) Name Signature Date Address City, State Zip Name Signature Date Address City, State Zip Name Signature Date Address City, State Zip Optional: You may attach any of the following if applicable to this corporation. The names and addresses of the initial directors Power of the Corporation The purpose for which the corporation is organized Other provisions as deemed necessary $50.00 Filing Fee payable to Arkansas Secretary of State 001027021n024030n030007r013027r031n027035025016007031n031r$'#$t 003n026020031025022037004020031031022r006025013021 NPD-01 Rev. American LegalNet, Inc. Annual Report Contact Information Nonprofit Corporation PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY IN INK JURISDICTION (SELECT ONE) In order for this entity to receive its annual reporting form, please complete and file with the Office of the Secretary of State at the time of filing. Entity name as used in Arkansas Contact Person Street Address or Post Office Box Number City, State Zip Telephone Number E-mail AddressNOTE: Annual Reports will be due on or before August 1st the year following filing or qualification in this state.I understand that knowingly signing a false document with the intent to file with the Arkansas Secretary of State is a Class C misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine up to $100.00 and/or imprisonment up to 30 days. Executed this day of , . Signature Authorized Officer (Type or Print) 001027021n024030n030007r013027r031n027035025016007031n031r$'#$t 003n026020031025022037004020031031022r006025013021 NPD-01 Rev. American LegalNet, Inc.