Application For Registration Of Corporate Name
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Application For Registration Of Corporate Name Form. This is a Arkansas form and can be use in Foreign Corporation Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Application For Registration Of Corporate Name, F-05, Arkansas Secretary Of State, Foreign Corporation
Arkansas Secre t a ry of State
Charlie Daniels
State Capitol • Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1094
501-682-3409 •
INSTRUCTIONS: Mail to the Secretary of State’s Business Services Division, State Capitol, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1094. A file
stamped copy will be returned to the above address for your files. A foreign corporation may renew this registration for successive years
by filing a renewal application between October 1 and December 31 of the preceding year. The renewal application when filed renews
the registration for the following calendar year.
Pursuant to the Arkansas Business Corporation Act (Act 958 of 1987), the undersigned corporation hereby
applies for the registration of the corporate name and submits the following:
1 a.
The name of the corporation is:
1 b.*
The fictitious name if the name of the corporation is unavailable in the state of Arkansas is
It is incorporated under the laws of
The date of its incorporation is
The business in which it is engaged is
The foreign corporation shall deliver with the completed application a certificate of existence (or document of similar import) duly authorized by the Secretary of State or other official having custody of corporate records in the state or country under whose laws it is incorporated.
I understand that knowingly signing a false document with the intent to file with the Arkansas Secretary of State
is a Class C misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine up to $100.00 and/or imprisonment up to 30 days.
Authorizing Officer and Title (Type or Print)
Authorized Signature
* If this registration is on a fictitious name, reference item (1b), this application must be accompanied by a copy
of the resolution of the corporation's board of directors, certified by its secretary, adopting the fictitious name.
Fee: $50.00
Renewal: $25.00
F-05 Rev. 4/06
American LegalNet, Inc.