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Arkansas Secretary of State Mark Martin 1401 W. Capitol, Suite 250, Little Rock, AR 72201 501-682-3409 � Notice of Cancellation of Statement of Foreign Partnership Authority for LP, LLP, and LLLP The undersigned, pursuant to the Arkansas Code Annotated � 4-33-1520 and � 4-47-907, sets forth the following: 1. Name of Partnership: 2. State of Partnership Formation: 3. The Partnership is not transacting business in this State and hereby surrenders its authority to do so. 4. The Partnership revokes the authority of its registered agent to accept service of process on its behalf and appoints the Secretary of State as its agent for service of process in any proceeding based on a cause of action arising during the time it was authorized to transact business in this State. The Secretary of State shall be notified of any change of mailing address listed in Section 5 of this Partnership. 5. The corporation mailing address for any process served under above paragraph 4 is: Name: Address: City, State, & ZIP: Phone: Signed this day of , . I understand that knowingly signing a false document with the intent to file with the Arkansas Secretary of State is a Class C misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine up to $100.00 and/or imprisonment up to 30 days. Authorizing Officer and Title (Type or Print) Authorized signature and title No Fee. Rev. 07/15 American LegalNet, Inc.