Application For Written Notice
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Application For Written Notice Form. This is a Arkansas form and can be use in Probate Statewide.
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Tags: Application For Written Notice, Form 26, Arkansas Statewide, Probate
Form 26 - Application for Written Notice
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Form 26.
To: _________________
The undersigned, ______________, in accordance with Ark. Code Ann. §
28-65-209, requests written notice of all hearings on petitions for
settlement of accounts, for the sale, mortgage, lease, or exchange of
any property of this guardianship estate, for an allowance of any
nature payable from the ward's estate, for the investment of funds of
the estate, for the removal, suspension, or discharge of the
guardian, or for final termination of the guardianship, and any other
matter affecting the welfare or care of the incapacitated person or
[his] [her] property.
The requested notice should be sent to the undersigned at the
following address:
Date: __________, ____.
[Applicant or attorney]
[Mailing Address]
Reporter's Notes to Form 26: Pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 28-65-209,
an interested party may, in person or by attorney, serve upon the
guardian and upon his attorney, and file with the clerk of the court
where the proceedings are pending, with a written admission or proof
of service, a written request stating that he desires notice of some
or all of the matters enumerated in this form. Unless the court
directs otherwise, upon filing the request, the person shall be
entitled to notice of all such hearings or of such of them as he
designates in his request.
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