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Application For Group Self-Insurance Form. This is a Arkansas form and can be use in Workers Comp.
Tags: Application For Group Self-Insurance, SI-11, Arkansas Workers Comp,
Form SI-11
Rev. 8/01/2006
Ark. Code Ann.
§11-9-404 &
AWC C Rule 099.05
324 Spring Street, Little Rock, AR 72201
Mail: P. O. Box 950, Little Rock, AR 72203-0950
501-682-2783 / 1-800-622-4472
To the Arkansas Workers' Compensation Commission:
The undersigned, a duly authorized representative of a group of employers subject to the provisions of the
Arkansas workers' compensation laws and organized under the laws of the State of Arkansas for the purpose of
qualifying as a group self-insurer, certifies that such employers have duly entered into agreements to pool their
liabilities in accordance with Ark. Code Ann. §11-9-404(a)(3) and the applicable rules for group self-insurers and
that such agreement is attached hereto and does make application for approval of the establishment of a group selfinsurer to pay compensation benefits directly to the employees of the such employer members.
1. Name of the Group Self-Insurer: ______________________________________________________________
2. Mailing address of the principal office: _________________________________________________________
3. Physical address of the principal office: ________________________________________________________
4. Telephone No.: ___________________ Fax No.: ___________________ Toll-free No. ___________________
5. Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN): _______________________________________________
6. Name and address of the individual who will serve as the Group Manager: ______________________________
Telephone No.: ___________________ Fax No.: ___________________ Toll-free No.: __________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________________________
7. Desired effective date of the group: ____________________________________________________________
8. Estimated number of first year members: _______________________________________________________
9. Estimated amount of first year premium: _______________________________________________________
10. Type of group self-insurer status desired: G Homogeneous
G Common
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Form SI-11 (Rev.8/1/2006)
If the application is for homogeneous self-insurance, what is the same type of business activity or pursuit?
If the application is for common self-insurance, what is the trade or professional association of which the
applying employers are members?___________________________________________________________
Give the organization date of the trade or professional association. ___________________________________
11. Name, address, and telephone numbers of the third party administrator with which the group members have
contracted to service their workers' compensation program? (Note: This third party administrator must be a
company approved by the Commission to handle self-insured clients):
Telephone No.: ___________________ Fax No.: ___________________ Toll-free No. ___________________
12. If no third party administrator is used, then proof of adequate servicing is to be attached in accordance with the
13. Name, address, and telephone numbers for the company which will provide loss control services:
Telephone No.: ___________________ Fax No.: ___________________ Toll-free No. ___________________
14. Name, address, and telephone numbers of the managed care organization with which the group members have
contracted (if any): ________________________________________________________________________
Telephone No.: ___________________ Fax No.: ___________________ Toll-free No.:__________________
15. Do you plan to carry excess insurance? G Yes G No
If yes, between what limits? Retention $__________________________ to $___________________________
Aggregate? G Yes G No
In consideration of the approval of this application, the applicant hereby agrees to the following:
A. The applicant, on behalf of its members, will fully meet and comply with all obligations imposed by the
provisions of the Arkansas Workers' Compensation Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the Commission.
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Form SI-11 (Rev.8/1/2006)
B. The applicant will deposit with the Commission an acceptable security deposit in an amount prescribed
by the Commission; will furnish excess insurance as prescribed; will pay tax assessments as prescribed;
will comply with all reporting procedures as prescribed; will furnish necessary fiduciary bonds as
prescribed; will accept as future members of the Group only financially sound employers, and employers
who qualify in accordance with Ark. Code Ann. §11-9-404(3); and will submit an application remittance
in the amount of $100.00, payable to the Arkansas Workers' Compensation Commission.
Therefore, we respectfully request that authority be granted to our named Group for the privilege of receiving
a Certificate of Authority to act as a Self-Insurer under the Arkansas workers' compensation laws.
(Name of group)
(Chairma n, Boa rd of Trustees)
State of Arkan sas
County of ________________A
Subscribed and sworn to before me by ______________________________________________________________
on this ________ day of _______________________, 2_____.
(Notary Public)
My Commission expires ________________________________.
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Form SI-11 (Rev.8/1/2006)