Good Cause Declaration And Order For Extension Of Time To File
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Good Cause Declaration And Order For Extension Of Time To File Form. This is a California form and can be use in Fifth Appellate District Court Of Appeals.
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Tags: Good Cause Declaration And Order For Extension Of Time To File, California Court Of Appeals, Fifth Appellate District
COURT OF APPEAL OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT The People v. Court of Appeal No. Superior Court No. GOOD CAUSE DECLARATION AND ORDER FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE THE NORMAL RECORD ON APPEAL (CRIMINAL CASE) I, ____________________________, hereby certify that I am a deputy clerk/reporter of the Superior Court of the State of California, County of _____________. The notice of appeal was filed in this matter on _________________. The record on appeal will not be filed timely as required by the California Rules of Court based on the following showing of good cause: (You must complete part I and/or part II, as applicable.) I. Clerk's Transcript: Other priority appeal transcripts pending Staff shortages due to illness or personnel transfer Other Therefore, I request that the court grant and enter an order extending the time for filing the record an additional 60 days. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated Name (please print) II. Reporter's Transcript: Other priority appeal transcripts pending Unusually long transcript Illness/Vacation Other Signature "/S/ Type Name Here" Therefore, I request that the court grant and enter an order extending the time for filing the record an additional 60 days. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated ________________________ C.S.R. No. _______________________ Name (please print) _________________________________ Signature __________________________________ I have reviewed the foregoing and certify that the requested extension is reasonable and necessary in light of the workload of all reporters in the court and recommend approval be granted. "/S/ Type Name Here" if no Signature Dated Superior Court Presiding Judge or Designated Court Administrator ACCEPTABLE FORMS OF SIGNATURE: 1. Electronic 2. Typing "/S/[Name of Executor]" above the signature line 3. Signature in ink III. Dated IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the above request is denied granted to ______________________ ______________________________________________________________ Presiding Justice or Acting Presiding Justice American LegalNet, Inc.