Request For Audio Recording Of Oral Argument (Division Three-Santa Ana)
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Request For Audio Recording Of Oral Argument (Division Three-Santa Ana) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Fourth Appellate District Court Of Appeals.
Tags: Request For Audio Recording Of Oral Argument (Division Three-Santa Ana), California Court Of Appeals, Fourth Appellate District
ApprovedforOPTIONALUSEwithintheFourthAppellateDistrict,DivisionThree4/18/2018COURT OF APPEAL OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOURTH APPELLATE DISTRICT, DIVISION THREE REQUEST FOR AUDIO RECORDING OF ORAL ARGUMENT INSTRUCTIONS: The court will provide audio recordings of oral arguments on a compact disc (CD) upon payment of a $40.00 fee, made payable to 223Court of Appeal224. You may file the request in person at the clerk222s office or by mail to Court of Appeal, 601 West Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92701. Upon the receipt of the application, the clerk222s office will send a copy of the recorded CD by return mail. 1. CASE NAME 2. CASE NUMBER 3. DATE OF ORAL ARGUMENT 4. REQUESTING PERSON222S NAME 5. REQUESTING PERSON222S ADDRESS (incl. city, state & zip) Date: (Type or print name) (Signature) (Your telephone number) (Your email address-optional) American LegalNet, Inc.