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Notice Designating Record On Appeal (Unlimited Civil Case) (Appellate) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Second Appellate District Court Of Appeals.
Tags: Notice Designating Record On Appeal (Unlimited Civil Case) (Appellate), 2DCA-APP-03, California Court Of Appeals, Second Appellate District
Cal. Rules of Court, rules 8.121 Form Approved for Optional Use2DCA-03 [Rev. 201] ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, state bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY TELEPHONE NO.: FAX NO. (Optional): E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name): STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Superior Court Case Number: RE: Appeal filed on (date): Court of Appeal Case Number (if known): Information on Appeal Procedures for Unlimited Civil Cases TO: Clerk of the Superior Court of California, County of (name of county): NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that (name): The Appellant Respondent in the above case elects to proceed with the following record on appeal: (check only one) 1. (Appendix Only; no Reporter's Transcript) a.elects under rule 8.124 of the California Rules of Court to prepare own appendix in lieu of a court-prepared clerk's transcript, b.elects to have no reporter's transcript. (Date and sign below. Do not use pages 2 and 3.) 2. (Appendix and Reporter's Transcript) a.elects under rule 8.124 of the California Rules of Court to prepare own appendix in lieu of a court-prepared clerk's transcript, b.elects a reporter's transcript as designated on page 3. (Fill out only Section A on page 3. Do not use page 2.) 3. (Appendix and Agreed or Settled Statement) a.elects under rule 8.124 of the California Rules of Court to prepare own appendix in lieu of a court-prepared clerk's transcript, b.elects . (Fill out only Section B or C on page 3. Do not use page 2.) 4. 5. 6. (Clerk's Transcript Only; no Reporter's Transcript) a.elects under rule 8.122 of the California Rules of Court to proceed with a clerk's transcript as designated on page 2.(Fill out the clerk's transcript section on page 2. Do not use page 3.) b.elects to have no reporter's transcript.(Clerk's and Reporter's Transcripts) a.elects under rule 8.122 of the California Rules of Court to proceed with a clerk's transcript as designated on page 2.(Fill out the clerk's transcript section on page 2), b.elects a reporter's transcript as designated on page 3. (Fill out only Section A on page 3.)(Clerk's Transcript and Agreed or Settled Statement) a.elects under rule 8.122 of the California Rules of Court to proceed with a clerk's transcript as designated on page 2.(Fill out the clerk's transcript section on page 2), b.elects . (Fill out only Section B or C on page Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY) American LegalNet, Inc. Cal. Rules of Court, rules 8.121 Form Approved for Optional Use2DCA-03 [Rev. 201 CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.122) A.It is requested that the following documents in the superior court file be included in the clerk's transcript (give the specific title ofeach document and the date of filing): (NOTE: Items 17 are required to be a part of the clerk's transcript and will automatically be included.) Document Title Date of Filing 1.Notice of appeal2.Notice designating record on appeal (this document)3.Judgment or order appealed from4.Notice of entry of judgment (if any)5.Notice of intention to move for new trial or motion to vacate the judgment, for judgmentnotwithstanding the verdict, or for reconsideration of an appealed order (if any)6.Ruling on item 57.Register of actions (if any)8. 9. 1. All Exhibits 2. Specific Exhibits (give the exhibit number [for example, Plaintiff's #1, Defendant's B, Respondent's A], a briefdescription, and admission status.): See additional pages. It is requested that the following EXHIBITS admitted into evidence or marked for identification be copied into the clerk's transcript on appeal (check only one box): American LegalNet, Inc. Cal. Rules of Court, rules 8.121 Form Approved for Optional Use2DCA-03 [Rev. 201 CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: A.(Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.130) (check one): 1.Deposited the approximate cost of transcribing the designated proceedings with this notice as provided inrule 8.130(b)(1).2.Attached a copy of a Transcript Reimbursement Fund application filed under rule 8.130(c)(1).3.4. A certified transcript under rule 8.130(b)(3).(To be lodged directly with the Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District.) and contact information Dept. Date Description Prev. prepared? i. Yes No ii. Yes No iii. Yes No iv. Yes No v. Yes No See additional pages. 5.I request that the reporters provide (check one):a. b.-readable format. c.-readable format. (Code Civ. Proc., 247 271; Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.130(f)(4).) American LegalNet, Inc. Cal. Rules of Court, rules 8.121 Form Approved for Optional Use2DCA-03 [Rev. 201] CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: (check and complete either (a) or (b) below.)I have attached an agreed statement to this notice.All the parties have agreed in writing (stipulated) to try to agree on a statement. (You must attach a copyof this stipulation.) I understand that, within 40 days after I file the notice of appeal, I must file either theagreed statement or a notice indicating the parties were unable to agree on a statement and a new noticedesignating the record on appeal.. (You must check (a), (b) or (c) below.)The oral proceedings in the superior court were not reported by a court reporterThe oral proceedings in the superior court were reported by a court reporter, but the appellant has an orderwaivingI am requesting to use a settled statement for reasons other than those listed in (a) or (b).(You must attach the motion required under rule 8.137(b) to this form.) and contact information Dept. Date Description Prev. prepared? i. Yes No ii. Yes No iii. Yes No iv. Yes No v. Yes No See additional pages. American LegalNet, Inc.