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Notice Of Settlement Of Appeal Form. This is a California form and can be use in Second Appellate District Court Of Appeals.
Tags: Notice Of Settlement Of Appeal, 2DCA-14, California Court Of Appeals, Second Appellate District
TO BE FILED IN THE COURT OF APPEAL Court of Appeal Case Number: 2DCA-14 Superior Court Case Number: COURT OF APPEAL, SECOND APPELLATE DISTRICT ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, state bar number and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: ATTORNEY FOR (Name): CASE NAME: BAR NO.: NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF APPEAL (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.244(a)) NOTICE TO APPELLANT You must immediately serve and file this notice if you are the settling appellant in a civil appeal. You must file a request to dismiss (or abandon) the appeal within 45 days after the filing date of this notice. Your failure to do so will result in dismissal of the appeal. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.244(a).) Extension/Stay Requests. The court may order a longer time period than 45 days upon a showing of good cause or a joint request to stay any scheduled action. You must attach a proof of service showing service on the other parties to the appeal. 1. TO THE COURT AND ALL PARTIES: a. b. The appeal(s) dated ____________________________________________ as a whole has been settled. The appeal dated __________________________________ has been settled as to the following parties: List parties: _________________________________________________________________________ 2. a. b. Under 45 Days. A request for dismissal or abandonment of appeal (if the record has not yet been filed) will be filed within 45 days after the filing date of this notice of settlement. Request for Extension of Time to File Dismissal or Abandonment. (COURT APPROVAL REQUIRED). The above appeal has been settled. However, an extension of time with which to file the request for dismissal or abandonment is requested to (date): ___________________________ Reason for Extension: 3. Stay Requested of pending court action. a. b. No. Yes. (COURT APPROVAL REQUIRED). Please specify below the pending court action(s) and date(s). You must immediately telephone the Clerk's Office if oral argument has been calendared, or if the appeal has been submitted. Pending court action(s): Form Approved for Optional Use 2DCA-14 [Rev. Oct. 1, 2011] NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF APPEAL (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.244(a)) Page 1 American LegalNet, Inc. TO BE FILED IN THE COURT OF APPEAL CASE NAME: Court of Appeal Case Number: 2DCA-14 This notice of settlement was prepared on and submitted by: Date: ______________________________ ____________________________________ (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) _______________________________________ (SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY) FOR EXTENSION AND STAY REQUESTS Include Signatures of Attorneys (or Unrepresented Parties) for All Settling Parties (use additional pages, if necessary) (Completion of this section is required for dismissal or abandonment beyond 45 days, or for any stay requests) Date: ______________________________ ____________________________________ (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) _______________________________________ (SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY) Date: ______________________________ ____________________________________ (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) _______________________________________ (SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY) [FOR COURT USE ONLY] ORDER EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE DISMISSAL OR ABANDONMENT IS: Granted to _________________________________________ Denied STAY REQUEST IS: Granted to _________________________________________ Denied Date: ________________________________________ (SIGNATURE OF PRESIDING JUSTICE) Form Approved for Optional Use 2DCA-14 [Rev. Oct. 1, 2011] NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF APPEAL (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.244(a)) Page 2 American LegalNet, Inc.