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This form is optional . It has been approved for use by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California. December 2017 Page 1 F 3015 - 1.1 9 .ORDER.CH13.FEES .DM C ON Attorney or Party Name, Address, Telephone & FAX N umbers , State Bar N umber & Email Address FOR COURT USE ONLY Chapter 13 T rustee Attorney for: UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA NAME OF DIVISION In re: CASE NUMBER : CHAPTER: 13 ORDER GRANTING DENYING APPLICATION OF ATTORNEY FOR DEBTOR FOR ALLOWANCE OF FEES AND EXPENSES FOLLOWING DISMISSAL OR CONVER S ION OF CHAPTER 13 CASE SUBJECT TO A RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES AGREEMENT No hearing held Hearing held DATE: TIME: COURTROOM: ADDRESS: Debtor(s). Based on the Application for Allowance of Fees and Expenses Following Dismissal or Conversion of Chapter 13 Case Subject to a Rights and Responsibilities Agreement (Application) filed on (date) as docket number , the court orders as follows : 1. The Application is granted and the Attorney for Debtor is allowed the sum of $ as compensation for Additional S ervices and the sum of $ in expenses related to Additional Services referred to in the Application , and the C hapter 13 T rustee is directed to pay the unpaid balance of $ from the estate of D ebtor as funds permit. 2. The Application is set for hearing on: ( date ) at ( time ) . This form is optional . It has been approved for use by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California. December 2017 Page 2 F 3015 - 1.1 9 .ORDER.CH13.FEES .DM C ON 3. T he Attorney for Debtor must file and serve appropriate notice of the hearing on D ebtor and the C hapter 13 T rustee. 4. T he Application is denied. 5. Other (specify): ###