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This form is optional. It has been approved for use in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California. December 2016 Page 1 F 2081-1.1.C11.STATUS.RPT Attorney or Party Name, Address, Telephone & FAX Nos., State Bar No. & Email Address FOR COURT USE ONLY Individual(s) appearing without attorney Attorney(s) for: UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA - DIVISION In re: CASE NO.: CHAPTER: CHAPTER 11 STATUS CONFERENCE REPORT (INITIAL) Case Status Conference DATE: TIME: COURTROOM: Debtor(s). INSTRUCTIONS TO THE DEBTOR(S) (1)Keep your answers brief but informative (use continuation sheets if necessary, numbered to match the items in(2)Do not use this form (a) for later status reports, which should include only short updates, or (b) if the judge presidingover this case requires the use of a different procedure.(3)You must file and serve this report at least 14 days before the status conference listed above. Serve it on the Officeof the United States Trustee and on any parties requesting special notice, or as otherwise directed by the court. (4)Failure to follow these instructions may result in dismissal of this case or other sanctions without further notice. Definitions: "Section" ("247") refers to a section of the Bankruptcy Code, Title 11 of the United States Code (11 U.S.C.); a "Rule" means one of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure; "LBR" means the Local Bankruptcy Rules; and other terms have the meanings provided in the Bankruptcy Code, the Rules, and the LBR. This form is optional. It has been approved for use in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California. December 2016 Page 2 F 2081-1.1.C11.STATUS.RPT A.OVERVIEW 1.Bankruptcy PetitionDate filed: //20 2.Background and Exit Strategy (discuss allbelow)a.The Debtor222s business/employment;b.principal assets/ liabilities (includingpossible avoidance actions, environmentalliabilities, etc.);c.what caused the bankruptcy;d.exit strategy (for resolving the principalfinancial and legal issues); ande.progress made toward consensualresolution of any disputed issues. Example: 223the Debtor owns a four-unit apartment building worth approx. $, 1st deed of trust approx. $, 2nd deed of trust approx. $. The Debtor lives in one unit and is employed as building manager. Two tenants stopped paying rent. Debtor plans to complete evictions, obtain paying tenants, and strip off second deed of trust." Explain: See attached continuation page(s). 3.Petition Document Compliancea.Has the Debtor filed all bankruptcyschedules, the Statement of FinancialAffairs (223SOFA224), and all other documentsrequired by 11 U.S.C. 247 521, Rule 1007,and LBR 1007-1 (e.g., any tax returnsrequired by 11 U.S.C. 247 521(f), with socialsecurity numbers, names of minor children,and other sensitive information blacked outper 11 U.S.C. 247 107, 247 112, or Rule 9018?);andb.has the Debtor complied with all applicableguidelines established by the U.S. Trustee? Yes No (explain): See attached continuation page(s). This form is optional. It has been approved for use in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California. December 2016 Page 3 F 2081-1.1.C11.STATUS.RPT B.COMMON 223FIRST DAY224 MATTERS 1.Cash Collateral Use (11 U.S.C. 247 363(c))a.Did the Debtor file a stipulation/motion foruse of cash collateral (see local formF 2081-2.1.MOTION.CASH.COLLATERAL)with local form F 4001-2.STMT.FINANCE? Yes b.Did the court approve the requested use ofcash collateral? Yes (see Order at docket no. ). No, there is no cash that any entity can claim as its cash collateral. No, other reason (explain): See attached continuation page(s). 2.Budget motionHas the Debtor filed a budget motion? SeeLocal Form F 2081-2.2.MOTION.BUDGET. Yes No, not required by the presiding judge's procedures No, other reason (explain): See attached continuation page(s). 3.Insider compensation and transfersHas the Debtor paid any compensation ormade any other transfers after this case wasfiled to or for the benefit of:(1)Any insider,(2)Any owner, partner, officer, director orshareholder of the Debtor, or(3)Any relative of an insider (as defined in11 U.S.C. 247 101(31))except as permitted per LBR 2014-1 and Form USTLA-12? No Yes (explain): See attached continuation page(s). 4.Automatic stay (11 U.S.C. 247 362(c)(3)&(4))Is the Debtor an individual who has had one ormore bankruptcy cases dismissed within 1 yearbefore this case was filed? No; or Yes, and, for one qualifying dismissal, the Debtor will have 223completed224 a hearing to continue the automatic stay within 30 days after this case was filed under 247 362(c)(3); or Yes, and, for two or more qualifying dismissals, the Debtor will have filed a motion to impose the stay within 30 days after this case was filed, under 247 362(c)(4). See LBR 4001-2(e), and Local Form F 4001- 1.IMPOSE.STAY.MOTION. Other (explain): See attached continuation page(s). This form is optional. It has been approved for use in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California. December 2016 Page 4 F 2081-1.1.C11.STATUS.RPT B.COMMON 223FIRST DAY224 MATTERS 5.Utilities (11 U.S.C. 247 366) (see Local Form F2081-2.4.MOTION.UTILITIES)Was a utility motion: (1)Filed within 20 days after this case wasfiled and(2)Set for hearing within 30 days after thiscase was filed? Yes No, the Debtor has determined that no utility motion is needed No, other reason (explain): See attached continuation page(s). C.LIEN AVOIDANCE Check here and skip this section if the Debtor does NOT contemplate any lien avoidance. 1.223Lien Stripping224Does the Debtor intend to avoid any unsecuredor under-secured liens under 11 U.S.C. 247 506(including motions per In re Lam, 211 B.R. 36(9th Cir. BAP 1997)(223Lam motions224))? No Yes (explain): See attached continuation page(s). 2.Judicial Liens (see Local Form F 4003-2.1.AVOID.LIEN.RP.MOTION and 4003-2.2.AVOID.LIEN.PP.MOTION)Does the Debtor intend to avoid any judicialliens under 11 U.S.C. 247 522(f)? No Yes (explain): See attached continuation page(s). D.PROFESSIONALS (see Local Forms F 2014-1.STMT.DISTINTEREST.PROF (statement ofdisinterestedness), F 2081-2.5.MOTION.EMPLOY.GEN.COUNSEL, andF 2081-2.5.MOTION.EMPLOY.OTHER) Professional222s Name Employment App. Filed Employment Approved Type of Employment This form is optional. It has been approved for use in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California. December 2016 Page 5 F 2081-1.1.C11.STATUS.RPT D.PROFESSIONALS (see Local Forms F 2014-1.STMT.DISTINTEREST.PROF (statement ofdisinterestedness), F 2081-2.5.MOTION.EMPLOY.GEN.COUNSEL, andF 2081-2.5.MOTION.EMPLOY.OTHER) Professional222s Name Employment App. Filed Employment Approved Type of Employment See attached continuation page(s) EXAMPLE S : John Doe, Esq. 1/1/2050 1/7/2050 11 U.S.C 247 327(a) general bankruptcy counsel Jane Roe et al., LLP 1/4/2050 to UST, app. to be filed 11 U.S.C. 247247 327(e) & 328(a) (special counsel, contingent fee, contract dispute) Richard Poe, Accountant 1/3/2050 Pending 11 U.S.C. 247 327(a) (accountant) E.PROPOSED DEADLINES / PROCEDURES 1.Proofs of claim filing deadlineThe court will address the deadline to serve abar date notice at the status conference. Proposed claims filing bar date: // 2.Plan of reorganization (or liquidation)The court will address plan-related proceduresat the status conference. Debtor should beprepared to discuss time estimates for filing aproposed plan and disclosure statement.Proposed deadline to file a proposed plan and disclosure statement: // 3.Special Plan ProceduresDoes the Debtor propose special procedures inconnection with any plan or disclosurestatement, such as a combined hearing on finalapproval of the disclosure statement andconfirmation of the plan (11 U.S.C247105(d)(2)(B)(vi))? No Yes (explain): See attached continuation page(s). This form is optional. It has been approved for use in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California. December 2016 Page 6 F 2081-1.1.C11.STATUS.RPT NOTE TO THE DEBTOR: YOU MUST ANSWER ALL APPLICABLE QUESTIONS ON THE ATTACHED PAGES, which deal with very important but less